Chapter 28

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Third Person Point of View

Just like a normal day at Dhanaulti everyone was working, busy at their work. The Sun was beaming over the clear blue sky, spearing it's rays over the hills.

A two story house with a small backyard could be seen. A person was taking care of the garden. Inside the house a girl in her cream coloured salwar suit was being ready to go to her work at office. She took her files after tieing her hair tightly into a ponytail. She came to the dining hall for taking her breakfast. A house maid was cleaning the table and a woman in her middle 40s was cooking in the kitchen. She went to the kitchen.

"Good morning mom. Did Dad take his breakfast?" She asked to the woman.

"Good morning Shivani. No he didn't." Suvarna smiled at her daughter.

"Ok, let me take it to him." She took the food tary and without giving her mother a chance to speak she went upstairs after putting her files on the dinning chair.

Suvarna smiled at her daughter's action.

Shivani came in front of a door and opened it.

A man in his early 50s with a glass on his face, wearing a shoal around his upper body sitting on his comfort chair, reading a book.

She came to him, putting the food tray on the table in front of him.

"Dad, take your breakfast fast." She smiled. Jaganath looked at his daughter and smiled.

"What's the plan for today?" He asked with his deep voice.

"To attending 3 meetings and then preparing for the next deal. This deal is really important for our company." Shivani replied.

Jaganath stared at his daughter with a sad smile.

"Shivani, take rest for Sunday at least, you are burning out yourself." He said while Shivani put a smile on her face kneeled down in front of her father.

"Not again dad. I am fine, really! Now take your food. I have to go now." She got up and left the room with a smile.

Jaganath looked at her direction.

"Stop hurting yourself, my daughter. I know why you are doing this. I hope oneday.. oneday you can find your happiness again." He sighed deeply.

Shivani came to the dinning place for taking her food. She was eating normally in her speed.

"Eat slowly beta. You have time." Suvarna smiled.

The doorbell rang suddenly. The house maid went to opend the door.

"No mom I am.." She cut off by the house maid.

"Didi, someone is looking for you." Shivani got up from her place.

"Who it can be in this.." Her eyes widened in shock after recognizing those persons.


Sharanya's Point of View

"Why your friend need to see you? You can give her this at college right?" Vyom said annoyingly.

"Shut up. She needs it now. Now drive quietly!" I said while looking at the beauty of hills outside the window.

We were in Vyom's car going to the place where we could get our happiness back again.

At least Vyom!

"Sharanya beti, why you came so early today? Do you need something?" Freddy Uncle asked me.

"Yeah...actually Uncle can you give Shivani's recent address? I need it urgently." I asked fearing his rejection.

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum