Chapter 10

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It had been two days since I had encountered with the fact that I and Shivani used to be best friends, Vyom and she were in a relationship and finally I might be missing a larger part of my life. I was quite shocked and depressed to know that and to the addition I tried to remember anything about Shivani and my friendship. But alas, the luck was not in my side. Whenever I tried to remember anything I got nothing but a blank space in my head.

Did someone remove my memories just like movies?

This made me more frustrated and anxious that I lost my nerves whenever my mom asked for anything related to 'the marriage drama' and our conversations always became heated ones. Usually my dad made us stop but eventually we ended up do that again.

During these two days Shiv was hell busy in his office for that important deal and couldn't meet me. At the same time Vyom was asking me to meet up him with Shiv which was unfinished last time. But I had postponed it again. I and Shiv talked to each other via cell phone. This made me more angry!

I want to see you, feel your presence more!

I knew it might be a one sided likeness or more than that but I was getting agitated everytime I thought about it. I couldn't see Shiv with someone else in future for sure and that was making me more crazy. Each passing time I wanted him more, as if only he could fill my void heart which I was longing for many years.

This is craziness, beyond insanity. Is this why love is called another form of insanity?

Yeah, might be just might be, I was falling for him, very hard. I wanted to talk about this to Vyom. But his unlimited lies and mysteries fuelling my rage against him more.

Even it was bothering me everytime I saw any couple in my college campus. I was getting very much idiotic each day.

But today after coming from my college when I was sitting on my couch thinking about my life during these days, my phone rang.

'Hey, I am free today. Let's meet up.' - Shiv.

My heart raced out of joy. I got up from my position and ran to washroom for freshen up.

May be it can control my insanity!


I left my home just after 30 minutes of his message.

I walked fast just to reach as soon as possible. I could not wait to see his face again.

During our conversations in phone I told him about the incident happened in my college that day. At first he was taking Vyom's side and telling me might be I had a misunderstanding. But after my long explanation about that incident he told me,

"If you have that much confidence in you then go for it. I have nothing to do with this. This is mainly your journey I can't interfere in it."

I was upset by his words. But understood him after realising his point.

Yes it is my battlefield. I need to find out about this. He can only help if I need or may be he can't.

One thing I had understood after meeting with Shiv. He was making me strong silently and I was thankful for that.

I reached to the garden and came to the bench beside the oak tree. But for my surprise Shiv was sitting on the bench unlike every day.

"Woah. This is unexpected from you!" I said astonishingly.

"Why? Do I have to be late every day?" He said making face at me.

"No." I could not hold my laughter.

Gosh, I missed him very much!

I sat on the bench beside him.

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें