Chapter 13

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"Sit here while waiting for Dr Sharma. Come." Dr Mehara leaded me to her cabin.

I was observing the whole building while she was leading me. This part of the hospital was comparatively quiet from the other part of the hospital. Stigma worked here as well. But it had another advantage, as it was cleaner than the other sections of hospital. 

I was following Dr Mehera just after our meeting at reception. She knew me and that was enough for me to trust her right now.

I don't know how it comes. But I do trust her!

Her cabin was two floor above the reception. She was giving me smile occasionally whenever we met each other's eyes. I found her quite playful in nature, very polite.

After few minutes we came to her cabin. We came inside the room. I sat on a chair as she told me to. I looked at the room and observing it silently. The whole room was painted white from floor to wall to the ceiling, everything just like the whole hospital. There were a table and two chairs made with wood  for the only furnitures. Two tube lights were also there on the wall, one air condition as well. The three paintings of different scenarios of nature were hanging on the three different sides of the wall.

I looked at Dr Mehera and she smiled at me.

"So Sharanya how are your days going?" She asked with her same charming smile.

"Just normal, boring with the pressure of classes." I replied with my casual voice putting a smile on my face.

"How are your family members? How is Aditya? Is he still in his school?" She asked again.

Woah, she knows Adi also? Normally he sheldon come home as his institution is very strict about holidays.

"Yeah, everyone is doing fine. Yes He is still in schools. Next year he will appear for his plus 2 boards. His is really busy in his studies nowadays." I said with a smile.

"Yeah. He is really a bright child. So, come to the point why are you here so suddenly? Did something happen?" She asked with concerned voice.

"Yeah. Actually I want to meet with Dr Amit to know something." I looked into her eyes.

"Oh. You can tell me in his absence. I am afraid he may not come to meet you as he is really busy nowadays with his other patients." She said.

"Oh." I stared to feel hesitated.

Should I trust her in this and tell her my reasons of coming here?

"Don't worry Sharanya I am not going to tell anyone without your permission. This will be completely confidential between us. Don't worry and tell me." She smiled. She understood my mind.

Problems with Psychiatrists, can't hide anything! Sigh!

"Yeah... actually I.. I am here to know my past. I feel like I am missing something, like some part of my life. So I did some search, going into my stuffs and found a medical file where it was stated that I was admitted here for 2 years 2 months. But I could not recall anything about my days here. So please doctor tell me what has exactly happened to me?" I buffed everything came to my mind. I really couldn't take this stress anymore.

"Clam down Sharanya. There is nothing to worry about it. Yeah, you were admitted here for those years as you had suffered from a head injury. But you had recovered it very quickly. As I knew you didn't lose any short of memory then. I guess this is all happening because of your instability of mind due to too much stress. Don't worry. It can happen to anyone. Trust me, you just need to cool down and stop taking too much pressure on your head." She said with an assured smile.

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя