I really like her!? Wow.

He thought after realizing his happiness which was quite different from his other friends' companions.

Suddenly he saw Shivani stepping down from from Vikas's bike.

"Thanks for the ride Vikas. See you at exam hall." Shivani waved her hand at him unaware of one pair of jealous eyes looking at her.

She opened the main door and came inside still didn't notice Vyom's presence.

"Why he was here?" Vyom asked with irritation in his voice.

But Shivani ignored him and went inside the house.

"I am asking something Shivani." Vyom followed her.

"Sharanya are you here?" She was looking for her.

"She is outside." Vyom replied. She moved towards outside door but Vyom grabbed her hand tightly.

"I am asking something Shivani. Answer me!" The jealous boy said, rage was in his voice. Shivani looked at him coldly.

"Why should I tell you? Who are you to ask me? As I know we are not best friends anymore!" She replied.

"What? Are you defending him from me? What's wrong with you Shivani? Can't you see he don't have good intentions!? Unbelievable!" Vyom peaked his voice louder.

"That's my problem. Not yours. Stay out of it. And I know him better!" She also peaked her voice.

"No. It's not your damn problem and you don't know him properly! It's my problem too.!" He said louder.

"Why? Why it's your damn problem hann? WHY!" She yelled at him.

"Because I DAMN LIKE YOU IDIOT! I CAN'T SEE YOU IN DANGER!" Vyom yelled at her in his loudest voice.

The whole room filled with awkward silence. Shivani's eyes widened in Shock. Vyom's face became red out of blush and anger. Vyom broke the silence first.

"Yes.. I understood my feeling for you.. I  just didn't know how..."

"How dare you!" Shivani was fuming with anger.

"Yes.. I.. what.. Did you say?" Vyom got confused.

"How dare you to YELLED AT ME!!! WHAT YOU LIKE ME!? YOU HAVE UNDERSTOOD THIS NOW? AFTER 1 YEAR? VYOMMM BEDDII!" Shivani picked up the steel ruler placed on the table and came near him.

"Listen..Shivani...I am sorry..please try to understand!" Vyom was looking fearfully at Shivani. He was shifting behind from Shivani who was coming towards him with her extreme rage! He knew this expression.


"Sorry.." Vyom started running chased by Shivani furiously. She was still holding the scale in her right hand.

They were running around the drawing room.

Just then Sharanya entered into the room after taking the fresh air.

"Sharanya help me!" Vyom was coming towards her with his panicked face.

Sharanya was confused by this situation but got scared after seeing Shivani's face. She also started running. Behind her Vyom was running and a bit far Shivani was chasing them. They were running around the summing pool.

"Idiot! What you have done this time!" Sharanya cursed Vyom while running fearfully.

"I am not sure, actually!" Vyom said still running.

"YOU ARE DEAD VYOM BEDI!" Shivani yelled furiously while chasing him.

Shiv just entered at the main door and got confused by this situation. He came in front of them suddenly to ask them.

"Shiv get out the track." Sharanya yelled at him.

"Help me bro!" Vyom shouted for help.

"But why..." His eyes widened when They were just coming at him. Sharanya grabbed his arm and let him run beside her holding his left hand.

Now the scenario was like Shiv and Sharanya were running holding eath other's hands and behide them Vyom was running, chased by furiously angry Shivani.

"What's going on?" Shiv asked running with Sharanya.

"Vyom made Shivani again. What else? It is nothing new!" Sharanya said. She was out of breathe now. Shiv noticed that and pulled her towards a wall in right moment, letting the other two running.

Sharanya pushed her back on the wall breathing heavily while watching those mad people.

"They can never change." She said between her breathing.

"Truly. They don't need too." Shiv said. They both chuckled in this statement.

"So Ms Bist, how are you these days?" He smirked. Sharanya's cheeks became red knowing the meaning behind it.

Shiv brushed a kiss on her cheek softly making her looking at his eyes.

"Never avoid me again." He smiled at her and leaned his forehead on her, cupping his two hands on her face. She was smiling brightly sensing his touch. She was very embarrassed after the freshers party to meet his eyes. But now her embarrassment vanished.

"I WILL KILL YOU DAMN IDIOT!" Shivani's sudden voice broke their moment and they got apart. The other two were still running now behind the trees. They started laughing at their action.

Meanwhile Madhavi and Rajan were at the terrace. They came near the edge after hearing the shouting.

"Again!" Rajan said laughing at their action.

"They are never gonna change!" Madhavi started laughing.

"Let their friendship live long just like this!" She said still laughing at those two who were still running behide the trees!



I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now