Why her face is so red? Does she has fever or ... is she blushing? Haha.. that's not possible! What I am thinking!

He let out a chuckle.

"What's funny here?" Shivani managed to asked. Her heart was pounding loudly.

"Nothing. I though that you might be blushing that's why your face is so red." He was still laughing.

Shivani touched her face and realised what he was saying. Her face fell.

Vyom noticed the sudden change in her and his eyes became wide.

"Don't tell me you are really..." He was shocked and suddenly blasted out laughter.

"Who is that most wanted boy who can make you blush?" He managed to say between his laughter.

Shivani was watching him silently, knowing that after her confession things between them might get awkward. But she didn't want to hold it anymore. She wanted to confess it right now.

I am going to say this to you right now, Vyom. I don't want to feel guilty in future for not telling you in this moment.

"It's you." She murmured.

Vyom was laughing so he couldn't hear it particularly.

"Sorry. I couldn't hear. What did you just say?" He hold his laugh.

"IT'S YOU. YOU DAMN IDIOT! I LIKE YOU!" Shivani yelled at him with her full voice.

Vyom face fell after hearing her confession. His eyes popped up from his face with shock. Shivani was blushing furiously.

What? Shivani you do what!?

"But..but.. from when?" He managed to ask her still didn't get over from his shock.

"Since class 8." She said, suddenly found the ground bellow her very interesting.

"Ok.." Vyom said after a while.

"Listen Shivani. I know you that like me. But.. But.. I have never seen you like that! For me you are just my best friend. Nothing more than that. I ...I am sorry." He said expecting swearing words from her. But she didn't say anything.

It was bound to happen! I knew it. My first love never gonna fulfilled! But at least I have said this to him.

"Okk... I understood. It happens." She said pasting a smile on her face.

"Are you sure..I mean are you ok?" He said not convinced with her answer.

"Yeah. What can happen to me? Listen I made Sharanya waiting on that place. I have to go now. Bye. See you after classes." She said still pasting the smile on her face. She ran from that place.

"Ok.." He said suspiciously but putting a smile, unable to notice the tears on her eyes!

Sharanya was waiting for her impatiently on that same place. She got up from there after noticing her best friend. She was smiling at her but after noticing her tearful eyes she frowned.

She understood the situation immediately.

Shivani came to her and landed her face on Sharanya's shoulder and hugged her tightly. Tears were falling from her eyes continuously. Sharanya hugged her back with same passion. They didn't say a word. Sharanya was petting her hand on Shivani's back to console her. After a while she stopped her crying and wipped her face.

"Thanks..." She murmured.

"We should go now. The recess has ended." Shivani said.

"Sure." Sharanya said. They came to a particular point and got separated. She was watching Shivani from her back.

I will never going to confess my feeling for Shiv, ever! I can't take his rejection. It's better to be buried into my heart. This love has to hope!

She sighed deeply and came to her classroom. Vyom was sitting with his guy friends. Sharanya was with her other friends. She opened her bag to take out her books but found a note. She opened it out of curiosity!

It was not in my bag before!

'Hello Sharanya,

I know you don't know me. But I want to say that, I like you from many days. If you are interested in it then come today after the class at the backyard of the playground.

From- Your secret Admire!'

"Now what is this crap! Not interested at all!" She murmured annoyingly and threw it into her bag to show her best friend. She loved these kind of stupidity!

At the same time the teacher had entered into the class.


Shivani was standing at their balcony for the fresh air. Her mind was occupied by many thoughts of Vyom and his rejection.

I have to move on soon!

She sighed deeply.

"Shivani baby, Sharanya has called you." A late 40's man told her from her behind holding a phone in his hand. He was their house maid.

"Thank you Freddy uncle." She took the phone.

"Yeah. Tell me what you were wanted to tell me then?" Shivani said after picking up the phone.

"What!" She yelled.

"Why didn't you accept it? At least you should have seen him! Might be he was handsome!" She was smiling.

"You and your thoughts. Anyway at least something good happened today! Yeah yeah I am totally fine and after hearing this I am feeling much better. Let's show me that tomorrow at school ok?" She was still smiling.

"Yeah yeah. Bye." She hung up.

"Whom are you talking about?" Suddenly a male voice said from her left side.

"Uff. You startled me bhai (brother)!" She grasped.

"You should have known that you are not alone in this house!" Shiv said sarcastically.

"Very funny! Hehehe.!" Shivani also mocked him.

"By the way, what was about the phone? Was it Sharanya?" He asked.

"Yeah. You know, she got a confession today! I am so happy for her. She should accept it! Anyway, I am coming after putting the phone on it's place. Wait!" She was still smiling and went to the downstairs, unable to notice the furious rage of jealousy in her brother's eyes!

How dared he!

End of this chapter. Enjoy it and tell me about it in comment section!

I AM YOURS FOREVER ShivAnya/ShiVik Fanfiction (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now