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Heavy rain cascaded down onto the ground, sweeping away every last bit of sunshine that was once there. Droplets falling with such fierce intensity were, in a way, quite beautifully.

It was definitely hilarious for Yoongi to call the rain beautiful after what he'd just witnessed. Or rather, was witnessing.

His mother, laying pale in the white, open casket, as her eyes were sealed. She looked at peace. The ring on her hand twinkling under the soft lighting and her ruby lips visibly chapped. Her hair silky smooth.

Yoongi couldn't cry.

He couldn't cry when he saw his mother struggling to breath. He couldn't cry when he saw his mother take her last breath. And he couldn't cry now, watching as his mother laid dead before him.

After a few words spoken by the priest, the casket was soon closed off. That was when it hit Yoongi, that he wouldn't ever be able to see his mother again.

The coffin was slowly brought to the ground, before dirt covered it completely. Only bouquets of flowers and letters rested upon the mountain of dirt under which Yoongi's mother lay asleep.

Soon, a soft hand came to grasp onto Yoongi's shoulder. He looked back to see his grandmother giving him a pitiful look.

"Don't do that." He begged. "Don't make that face, please." And with that he ran away out the graveyard, to where his legs would take him.

Anthea saw Yoongi running away, but didn't have the strength in her to stop him. She knew he was terribly affected by the incident, and she didn't know what she could do to make him feel better.

Her eyes looked around the area, people dressed in black held opened umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain. However there was one person who stood far off from the rest, with no umbrella, as he got drenched in the rain.

Anthea immediately recognised the person and walked towards him. Her hands tucked away in the pocket of her coat. She came closer to him before looking off into the distance.

"I didn't know you knew Yoongi." She stated—lying about knowing Yoongi's and his friendship.

The man only ruffled his dirty blonde hair before speaking. "Yeah, we've been childhood friends."

Although the tension between the two was clear as day, it was somehow peaceful to know that the other was still by their side.

Sounds of cups clinking echoed in the living room, as Anthea placed them down on the coffee table. The men only nodded in gratitude.

"Thanks for having us over." Taehyung thanked on behalf of him and Yoongi.

"It's no problem." Anthea replied, eyes looking at Yoongi who stared off into the distance. It was Tae who had found him after he'd ran away from the funeral, and upon Anthea's wish, the five—including Jimin and Hoseok—decided to come over to her apartment.

Everyone was quiet; a very painful silence overlooked the room.

Suddenly, Hoseok spoke up.

"Yoongi, for god's sake, say something!"

Yoongi sighed. "What do you want me to say?"

"Anything!" Anthea pleases. "Anything at all..."

But the man didn't respond, instead, he looked straight at Anthea. Black meeting blue for the first time with such intensity. A sudden flashback filled Anthea's mind, the first moment she'd seen those eyes. The feelings she'd experienced. She couldn't believe a mere pianist could turn out to be such an important person in her life.

This time Taehyung sighed, a hand coming to ruffle his hair in frustration. He didn't want to be anywhere near a situation like this, but he had to be—this was his best friend's mother's funeral. He had to be by his side.

Hoseok sipped on his tea, eyes downcast as he wondered exactly why life had decided to rush so fast for them.

Jimin sighed, gently pulling Anthea to the corridor of her home. The woman only looked at him, puzzled. "We need to talk."

And Anthea sighed. "Don't start now, Jimin. There's nothing to talk about."

"Yes there is!" Jimin suddenly raised his voice. "Hoseok told me everything."

And all Anthea could do was gasp in surprise.

"I can't believe you broke up with me just because you broke your ankle! It wasn't even my fault!" Jimin yelled.

Anthea scoffed. "Are you fucking serious? Do you seriously think the reason I broke up with you was over a simple accident? How childish can you be?"


Jimin brought his hand to mow through his hair, ready to let his thoughts be known. He'd been left in the dark for too long and now Anthea needed to know his point. "Ankles break all the fucking time Anthea! You're a dancer, you should know that at the least!"

"Oh my goodness, you bloody assho—"


A voice yelled from behind them and the two turned around to find a furious Yoongi.

"You guys clearly have a lot to clear out, but can I please get some time to mourn my fucking mother's death?"

Anthea pursed her lips while Jimin only looked down with guilt. Yoongi waited to stare at them for a moment longer before calling out for Taehyung.

"Tae, let's leave." He looked right at Anthea. "Thanks for having, but we gotta go." And with that he pulled his best friend out the apartment.

"Yoongi!" Anthea called for him, rushing behind him, but she soon stopped. Realising that Yoongi really did need his space.

"This is stupid." Jimin muttered before he too rushed out the apartment.

All Anthea could do was sigh as she let her body lean over the pale wall next to her.

Theo made his way near her leg, asking for his daily dose of pets. And as Anthea petted him, she thought about how she was gonna clear out this huge of a mess in her life.


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