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"Hey you! Wait!"

Turning around, with a quizzical look, Yoongi saw the silhouette of a woman dashing towards him.

"Uh-who's that?" Yoongi's father asked, perplexed at the intensity at which the woman ran.

"Should we be scared?"

The two had been making their way back home after having a hearty conversation at the park. But quiet streets can be frightening, and so was the woman that was chasing them.

"I guess we run?" Yoongi let out, more like a question.

"Min Yoongi!" They heard the woman call, and they widened their eyes.

"Wait, how the hell does she know your name?" His father asked. "Don't tell me she's a creepy stalker?"

"Shut up,"

Yoongi peered, finally making out the huffing woman that ran before him. And once he recognised her, he let out a gasp.

"What? Why are you here?" He screamed, walking closer to meet the woman.

"You just fucking walked away without a warning! At least wait up, dumbass!" The woman yelled, slapping his chest.

"What? Why? Weren't you with Jimin?" Yoongi looked around, only to find an empty sidewalk.

"Wait. Don't tell me he left you alone?" Yoongi concluded a bit too fast. "Oh I'm gonna kill him!"

"Stop, Yoongi!" Anthea dragged him back. "He didn't leave me. I ran away by myself."

Yoongi furrowed his brows. "Why?"

"Because-" Anthea didn't know what to say next. She nervously fiddled with the edge of her coat.

And that made Yoongi more nervous.

"Because what?" Yoongi's hot breath fogged in the chilled night.

Just as Anthea was about to voice her feelings, she noticed the middle-aged man standing behind the black-eyed man.

She raised her brows, before a sense of horror washed her face.

"Is that-"

"My father, yes." Yoongi replied moving aside so that the man was in a better view. Yoongi's father only smiled wearily.

Anthea nervously held Yoongi's sleeve, but as his hand clasped her own in reassurance a sudden warmth spread through her cold body.

"Could we talk alone? Please?" She voiced. And yoongi nodded.

It was quiet. Only the sounds of wind whistling could be heard at this ungodly hour of the night.

Yoongi's father bid his goodbyes and left for his rented apartment, while Anthea and Yoongi stayed back.

But they never would've expected things to turn out so...awkward.

Never had they been left alone, to talk about themselves. There was always an issue at hand that kept the two a safe distance away, emotionally at least.

But now that Jimin and Anthea had presumably solved their misunderstandings, Yoongi was left with no choice but to face the consequences of his confession on that one fateful night. The mere thought of which itched Yoongi to facepalm himself.

Why would you do that, you dumbass!

Anthea, on the other hand, felt awkward for a different reason.

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