Ezra looked her up and down quickly before shaking out of the natural reaction to an attractive woman. "Hey you ready?"

Noelle nodded. She silently walked by him to his car waiting for him to unlock it. He unlocked it and went to open the door for her but she was already inside.

He inhaled before shaking his head and walking to the drivers side. "You look nice... normal." Noelle spoke as he started the car.

Ezra felt prideful gaining her approval. "I still dress down you know." He smirked lying through his teeth. He always dressed to the 9's.

Noelle raised a brow mockingly she knew this man was lying. But she said nothing.

"You want to change it?" He gestured to the music. "No... I like Bryson Tiller." She nodded. "Me too but I can't have these niggas thinking I'm soft like this fool."

Noelle snickered. He was the fool. The drive was mainly quiet because Noelle didn't really have much to say to him. Ezra didn't really know how to address her either. It was an awkward situation for them both.

"Alrighty Christmas we are here." He announced pulling into the lot. "You still think your funny with that nickname." She spoke dryly.

"Come on Nono let's go let's try to get a long for the night. And you must admit it's creative. I'm the only person who calls you that."

Noelle laughed mockingly. "Yeah okay Ezra." She shook her head walking to the ticket stand. There were rides, games, music, all of the above. Noelle always came here with Sarah but Sarah was busy so she planned on going alone.

She thought she might as well get rid of Ezra's "date" attempts by asking him to come along. She wasn't an idiot, he was up to no good. He wasn't charming his way into her life anytime soon if she had anything to do with it.

"I got you Noelle." He pulled out some cash paying for the both of them. The ticket lady not very discretely checking him out. Noelle shook her head but let him nonetheless.

"Okay." She walked away beginning her journey around the festival with Ezra running behind to catch up. "D*mn Nono you can't just leave me like that. I could get kidnapped."

The first real laugh came from Noelle at that moment. She was oh so sure someone could capture the 225 lb 6'4 man. "I'd call the police don't worry." She shook her head. Ezra raised a brow surprised she actually showed some emotion besides disdain.

"What do you want to do first? I figure eat last since you tend to throw up on rides when you eat before." He noted remembering their elementary school field trip and also his 11th birthday party at Six Flags New England.

"Who says I still do?" She challenged. "Oh really? Prove it." He smiled.

"You know what? Let's just ride first." She mumbled knowing very well she would throw up.

Ezra held out his hand for her to take but she didn't. She walked beside him until she scooped out the Zipper ride. Ezra HATED that ride.

"This one." She pointed at it. "Ah hell no!" He scrunched his face up at her like she was crazy. Noelle stiffled a laugh trying to remain serious.
"What's wrong?" She asked pretending to be confused.

"Noelle stop playing with me I'm not getting on that death trap." He shook his head. "Come on I want to go on this one." She spoke softly with a fake sad expression.

"No." He glared at her.

"Please Ezra, this is whole reason I wanted to come here." She lied. "No no and HELLL no." He shook his head.

"I'll take you." A Fine a** lightskin with baby blue eyes volunteered behind the pair. Noelle raised her eyebrows taking him in. He was tall a little lanky but very attractive. His boys were hyping him up and Noelle actually felt flattered.

"Really?" Noelle couldn't help but let her fierce attitude turn meek in the presence of a new attractive face. She adjusted her glasses and gave a faint smile. "Yeah ma, ian scared. Hop in line with me." He laughed.

Noelle bit her lip awkwardly rocking back and forth until she decided what the hell, might as well. But she didn't get too far because Ezra snatched her back. "She's good."

"Come on man she just wanna go on the ride." The light skin shook his head. "She's going with me." Ezra insisted the man looked like he was going to say something else until he spotted the wrist band on Ezra.

"Oh sh*t my bad brother." The light-skin nodded to his wrist. "You good." Noelle was confused at the shift in mood until she spotted the light-skins forearm tattoo.

Of course he had to be a Kappa. Now they're gonna be all buddy buddy good terms and Noelle wasn't gonna get his number...not like she was bold enough to ask

"My girl and I are just chillin she'll be good."
Ezra nodded before getting in line with Noelle.

"Ain't that right baby?" He smiled at her. Noelle gave him a blank look before rolling her eyes and discretely flipping him off. "Not your girl in the slightest." She whispered.

This was going to be a long night.

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