Chapter 5. Finding New Power and being a Savior

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I do not own RWBY or Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth

Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure is owned by Hirohiko Araki 

 (Pov, Y/N)               

 After that very interesting night the days went by quickly. Throughout those days I began to get the hunger for blood once again, but it was stronger now I did not know if i could quench it without pushing myself off the deep end of vampiric thirst, such was its strength this time around. I began to go on long hiatus's(like my hiatus on new chapter's) to find anything I could on removing or dulling the thirst so I was not a danger to my friends around me. I realized quite quickly that no library would have accurate results as vampires were but folk tales. I have an idea but its... somewhat intrusive and illegal, like that would stop me normally but this was serious, this led me to where I am now, in the headmaster office.

Ozpin: Y/N, is there a reason as to why you are in my office when i have not called you, and classes are still i session?

Y/N: Yes Headmaster. my vampiric thirst is getting stronger by the day and I fear that I will become a danger to others around me. I have a solution but for what I need to do i need to run I by you first.

Ozpin: and what could that be Y/N?

Y/N: I will need to go back to the ruins from which i gained my powers as a vampire. there were many tablets and writings there on the mask an vampirism made by the Cult back may millennia ago should anyone put on the mask. I need your permission as atlas has taken jurisdiction of the area.

Ozpin: I... I see. normally I would not want to cross Atlas but the safety of my students is my top priority. You have my permission.

Y/N: Thank you Headmaster... I am grateful. 

After that I quickly left and went to the landing pads to get a bullhead to the nearest village to the ruins.

(Timeskip, The Ruins)

When I had arrived at The Ruins I saw heavy Atlas activity, like it would matter.

Y/N:"whispering" Za Warudo toki wo tomare.

Time stopped for everyone but myself and I walked past the frozen Atlas forces guarding the entrance to The Ruins below. Once I had arrived to the room of my ascension time unfroze and I quickly knocked out the personal in the room. I noticed that there was a door to the left that had a large amount of breaching equipment next to. I could see why, the door was covered in blast marks. The door however did not sport and damage and the ancient writing that on one in this time could read was above the door.

???: The Library of the Stone.

i was shocked

Y/N:"whispering" whose there!

???: I am the guardian of the Library.

Y/N:"Whispering" like that helped"talking normally" behind that door is the library?

???: Yes. The answers you seek hide within Chosen of the Dark Brother.

Y/N: Huh, I inherited that title huh. What do i need to do in order to gain entry?

???: Simply touche the door and you will be granted access.

I nodded to the nothingness in the air and went up to the door. when my hand made contact I felt warm for the first time in years. The door grumbled and slide open revealing thousands of tablets and scrolls untouched by the many millennia that have passed. In the center of the room on a pestle was a impossibly beautiful red gem.

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