I walked out of the bathroom and practically flew to Vera, giving her the biggest hug I could muster. She breathed deeply and whispered, "I'm so glad you like it. I was afraid you wouldn't."

The next stop was the nail salon. Vera picked black nail polish while I picked periwinkle, and we both sat side by side with our fingers under the dryer. Soft instrumental forest-like music played in the background. The whole nail salon had bamboo plants everywhere. The one who painted and fixed up my nails was working on the next customer, her tiny hands quickly working.

Two men came from behind Vera and I. We didn't know they were behind us, though, until they started giving us a massage. Instantly we started giggling, because was this supposed to happen in nail salons? Either way, our laughter dried out soon enough.

Personally, I had never felt something so beautiful before. No male has ever touched me and technically this didn't count because he was only giving me a massage, but I was lost the minute his fingertips touched my shoulders. They pressed into my collarbones and to my back, where they moved in circles and repeated the process. My own fingers felt numb and my eyelids fluttered shut. I gasped when a moan escaped my lips and I heard Vera giggle in the background.

Wasn't it weird? Not being in control of your own body, even if it's only for a few seconds? It was the first time I was unaware of myself. I was always on top when it came to reacting to things, but this? I was so deep in pleasure that I hadn't even considered to cover my gasp. My cheeks inflamed the minute I noticed how loud my pathetic gasp was. I would definitely have to look into getting a massage sometime again, though.

And as we made our way to a clothing store, I realized that my heart was still beating a little too fast from the massage. I would never get over how relaxing that was.

This store had music so loud that it bounced off the walls and you could feel the vibration of it pounding under your shoes. Not that it was a bad thing. Pink and blue lights illuminated thin faceless mannequins with too-perfect outfits and fake hairstyles. Vera pulled me over to a rack of clothes.

"Take a look," she insisted, her eye set on a shirt for herself. "Excuse me for a second."

She left to go check out whatever shirt caught her eye while I stood, staring blankly at the variety of different clothes, none of them really catching my eye like they did for Vera.

"Need help, miss?"

I nodded a little too quickly at the lady with a fake smile plastered on her lips, a bunch of unfolded shirts draped on her left arm. I instantly walked to a more safer area where nobody could talk to me.

"Well, are you going to pick out something?" Vera asked, looking over at me, her thick mascara-coated eyelashes reaching just below her sculpted eyebrows.

I shrugged, honestly not knowing where to start because I thought my wardrobe was fine. According to Vera, my outfits needed some work.

"Fine. I'll pick, you try on. Let's go."

I followed her around the store like a lost puppy, watching her grab at expensive looking tops with skinny jeans and leggings.

I followed her into the dressing room and she tugged me into one of the booths with her.

I quickly jabbed the pen at my notepad.

Together? I wrote.

"Why not?" She asked. "Trust me, I won't look. Your privacy is all yours."

That didn't change the fact that undressing myself in front of her was still the awkwardest thing I'd ever done. Not that this whole day wasn't awkward.

Without The Wordsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें