He continues to console you, while you cry, not bothered by who sees you. Leorio and Gon stand outside the room, downcast looks on their faces as they see how upset you are. They decide against walking into the room until you calm down.

"Why do you think she's upset, Leorio?" Gon wonders.

Leorio lets out a sigh, "I'm sure there's plenty of reasons," He looks back into the room briefly, before turning to Gon, "Let's go bring her breakfast, I'm sure that'll cheer her up!"

Gon nods in agreement, and they walk off down the hallway. Just as they leave, Bennett approaches the door, the sound of your familiar cries meeting his ears. He rushes into the room without thinking, and sees Kurapika comforting you. Kurapika just gives him a look and he remains quiet, walking over to the other side of the bed, and rubbing your back as well.

A few hours later, you find yourself in a familiar setting, the parallel walking bars. They seem longer than usual for some reason. You let out a deep breath, hesitating to take a step.

"It's okay if you want to take a rest today, (Y/N)," Your nurse, Nova, says sweetly, "You've made a lot of progress. You don't need to push yourself."

You shake your head in disagreement, "I can do this." But when you look up again, you suddenly feel nauseous and falter, barely able to hold yourself up.

"(Y/N)!" Kurapika rushes to catch you, and easily lifts you up into his arms, "I insist that you rest today. You aren't feeling like yourself."

"But I-" The look he's giving you tells you that he's serious. "Okay, I understand."

He lets out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, (Y/N). I'm glad that you understand."

I understand that I'm weak.

Your friends give each other looks as they can tell that something seems off about you. Kurapika sets you into your wheelchair, and exits the physically therapy lounge, making his way to your room.

"Did something happen with (Y/N), Gon?" Killua stays behind in the lounge.

The spiky-haired boy gives him a distressed look, "I think so. When Leorio and I got here this morning she was crying a lot."

"(Y/N) is sad?" Alluka wonders.

"I wonder what happened, then.." 

Their tall friend approaches them, "Kurapika said she had a really bad nightmare and it caused her a lot of anxiety." He explains, sorrowfully. His tone changes and he gives them a big smile, "But it's (Y/N)! I'm sure she'll be fine!"

Gon and Killua exchange looks, wondering what they can do to help.

Once you're back in your room, you continuously apologize to Kurapika, who insists that you have nothing to apologize for. You spend the rest of the day with your friends and brother, watching movies and playing a few board games. 

When the next day comes, you find yourself unable to even want to go to the physical therapy lounge. Kurapika tells you this is normal, and not to push yourself, but you can't help but feel bad. Another three days pass, before Nova asks if you've made anymore progress on the walking bars, causing you to feel guilty. Of course, she didn't mean to make you feel bad, and apologizes when she notices your reaction. The day goes by quickly, and night comes once more. 

You watch out the window, before Kurapika speaks, pulling your attention to him, "Would you like to go outside, (Y/N)?"

"Isn't that dangerous?" 

Kurapika shakes his head, "There's plenty of guards to keep you safe. We have no reason to worry."

"Okay, then I would love to." You offer him a genuine smile, something the Kurta hasn't seen much lately. 

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