"That was stupid." I said, standing in front of them, my Hans on my hips. 

"Shift." I commanded and they had no chance but to listen. 

They all looked at me sheepishly. 

Next thing they knew I had them dressed like elves with bags of weights flung over their shoulders. 

"Run, and cheat again and I won't be so nice." 

They gave me horrified faces, looking around as people came out of their houses laughing. 

"You better get running fast, once you're finished I'll take the outfits away. " 

They all bolted off. 

Why do people never listen the first time? Damn. 

When they got back as promised I changed them back into their workout clothes. They were all dying from the run, having run as fast as possible to get it over with, jokes on them, that was the warm-up. 

"Alright, next phase." I powered down, "Try to pin me, work together, I'll give you pointers throughout." 

They tried really hard, I'll give them that but they didn't even come close to pinning me. 

We did some conditioning, worked on their form on dummies and finished off with another 3 laps around the pack grounds. 

By the end they were all cursing me while I laughed. 

All day they walked around stiffly as I went around the pack. 

we continued this every day for the rest of the week and the were finally starting to make progress, they didn't complain at all, were much faster and getting closer to pinning me. 

Jack had finally accepted that he has to call the girl that literally looks younger than him Auntie. I could tell he was embarrassed considering he's 50 years old but oh well. Werewolves age slower than humans so he looked to be in his mid-thirties and had told me he's started trying for pups. 

I'm going to be a great Aunt!!!

I spent as much time with Jen and Brian as possible, who knows when the next time I'll see them is. 

Just as we were starting to fall into a routine they day we were all expecting came. 

I was sitting with Jen, sipping on my latte when the silent pack alarms went off. They were here. 

They were waiting for us in the clearing and everyone's attendance was mandatory. 

When we got there all the pack warriors and guards had fallen and in submission. They asked everyone to line up in their wolf form.

They would take the smallest wolves since that is what determines your pace status and strength.

We all lined up and shifted. I got into the lineup, shifting into a tiny, underweight, weak little wolf. 

They immediately pointed to me, writing something down. 

One of their warriors jumped off of the wagon. I pretended to shiver in fear, starting to shake lightly, avoiding eye contact completely to pull it all off. 

The warrior picked me up and I squealed, thrashing just a little before she ordered me to be still. I did so, staying as tense as possible as I wined lightly. 

I noticed them picking up the former alpha and it took everything in me not to burst out into laughter at how furious he looked. 

They chained us up in collars at the back of their truck before driving away. They didn't say anything to us at all, just drove away. 

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