Chapter 1: normal days

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Hi! I'm Jamilla Andrea Meyer. Yup! Meyer. My parents are Andrew and Natalie Meyer. They are one of the biggest Hollywood stars. I'm kinda big too but I don't wanna be a face of tv yet. I wanna finish school first before I be come a star or whatever. Anyways back to me. You can call me Jam. One, it's short for Jamilla and second, it's my initials put together J.A.M so I kinda got use to it. I love my life. I don't wanna brag but, I have a perfect life. It's funny how people don't hate me. Being the Queen Bee and all that. I actually do charity work and fundraisers and dirty work. I volunteer on events at school. I'm actually planning our Junior Prom this year. Well with my best friend and my 'secretary'. She kinda stuck with me. Every new girl or a volunteer is my secretary. Angel is my angel. She has things under control. Parties, get together, fundraisers you name it! She'll call everyone in school that has a phone. She will literally get their numbers. Especially the freshman. They are her helpers. It's now my second to last year of High School. Yes! I'm a Junior now. I'll have my Prom with my best friend. We have this rule that we'll stay single until we graduate then we can date the one that we will marry. Yup I'm serious. If I was gonna date, it better be the man I'm marrying. So let's stop the chit chat and let get to my High school life.

"Jam! Come on!" Argh! Oh I forgot about my brother. Brandon Austin Meyer. B.A.M! Yeah our parents went over our name. He's a senior.

"Jam! God dammit! Just come down." Argh! And another person I forgot, my brother's best bestfriend. Best friend since diapers. His name is Seth Enzo Ashwin Nedder. Everyone calls him Sean. You know with his initials. They have a family tradition that their kids must have two middle name. It's cute but really? I know it's hard to pick the baby's name. Just the first name is hard. Okay I'm getting out of topic. Let me just say we're not that close. I mean we are close, it's just, he pranks me all the time. When I sleep when I wake up every fucking day. How? He lives here. My parents aren't here most of the time so we basically own the house. They ask us to draw our dream home so they did. I got my dream room. Every girls bedroom dream is in the same house.

"Coming!" I shout and run down stairs. I grab my keys and bag and head out. I unlock my red Ferrari. My baby. Everyone meet Princess. She's been with me since I was 15. I have another car, it's a blue Ferrari named Prince. I use him when I'm going out with friends or doing something for my brother. It sounds stupid but I love my brother. He's the only family member that I have left. I mean my mom and dad are here for me but they are always on meeting, shooting, premiers, and other things. I park to my normal spot. Ever since freshman, this was always my spot. Couldn't give it up. I step of the car and see freshman trying to ask for my autograph. "Guys! I'm so sorry but I need to get settled first then maybe lunch?" They all shriek with excitement and run to the entrance. Then I spot her. My best friend. Rachel Emily Ashley Nedder. Yup. She's my brother's best friend's sister. It's confusing but cute. My brother is best fiend with my best friend's brother. Anywayzzzzzz. I run to her and scream.


"Rachel!" I missed her so much! "I missed you so much!" I hugged her so tightly.

"We just saw each other yesterday! At your 'Argh! It's school tomorrow' party." I roll my eyes and hug her again.

"I know it's just, whatever! Did you see those freshman? They are gonna have a good year."

"Yeah! I mean they asked for mine too. I told them lunch. Need to settle first." I nod and walk inside. I see my brother, Sean, and their Barbie bimbos. They are just to desperate. I walk over to them.

"Hey, my handsome brother and your umm...what should I call this one?" I ask to turn Barbie no. 1 of the his Senior year.

"Amie is my name not Barbie."

"Oh you have a name. Sorry."

"So, my I don't know how to complement you brother and your Barbie no. 1 or no. What?"

"I also have a name too. Alexa is my name."

"Oh my bad. I mean me and my best friend just you know wanna know you before things get heated or something." We both wink at the Barbies and laugh.

"How dare you both!" They both slap us. My brother pulls me and Rachel before my damage is done. After calming down, Sean, Brand, Rachel and I head to our class.

"That was awesome you girls!"

"Why thank you. We kinda got the skillz now. After years and years and ye-" I hate being stop by.

"Okay okay we get it now!" Brand, Sean, and Rachel laughs. I roll my eyes and step into first class English. Not favorite but, I have to go with the flow. Rachel and I have the same classes but one, if she has free time I have a class. So you know. The 3 classes went by like wind and before we know it our brother's friends breaking up screaming girls from me, Rachel, and our brothers. Asking for pictures and autographs. I love my life but went through 100 freaking pens. But I love my 'fans'. The bell rang and our classes begun. Class after class after then 3,2,1 ring ring! The bell finally rung. Yes! School is finally done! I met Rachel at the parking. I see her car. A mustang. Not too bad. My parents, Brand, and I, got that for her. She has another car. A Ferrari, but she uses that outside school. On the weekends usually.

"Her girlie. Our house?" Yup. She lives with me starting today because her parents are working with mine so, yeah. Just because 'our brothers will take care of us and will supervise us' that's what my mom said.

"Kay, let's go." We separate and drive to our house. I got a text from my brother.

B:Hey, where you two?

M:Heading home why?

I guess my brother didn't see my reply because he will usually reply super fast. We park our car and get out.

"Hey Jam, I didn't see Barbie 1 and 2 where do you think they are?"

"Dunno, probably with boy toy no. 30 for today."

"How about our brothers?" We hand our keys to Sedric and head up. Our garage has stairs okay?

"Probably with Barbie no. Um.....39 and 40 or 38. You know they hit up best friends for the fun of it." We both laugh and head in. Yeah, we have a big garage because of 10 car slots. You'll get use to it. We get water bottles and head up in our rooms but we see Sean and Brand sucking some girls' faces.

"Ahm, we don't wanna interrupt you guys. But we don't want our virgin eyes to be knocked up already Kay, now you-" the girls turn their head towards us and we see Barbie no. 1&2 I'm amazed how my brother and Sean can keep those two.

"You mother fuckers!"

"Sorry, we can't fuck our moms one, we're girls and we don't have dicks and two, our moms are at Hollywood."

"Oooh that's a good one." We high five and laugh.

"But seriously get out!" I yell at the bimbos. The boys chuckles and we hear yelling and laughing.

"Okay two points to our beautiful sisters." They give us a standing novation. We give our bows and keep laugh.

"What about a pool party for 4?" Sean has that grin on that has that means I'm serious and not a question. We nod and we run to our bedrooms. The boys finished first and start taking out my snack and beer and fruit punch. Our typical drinks. The sun is setting perfect. This is perfect.
Guys this is my other story. Make sure you check out my other stories.

Living with the Collen Brothers & Maybe it's you.

I really hope you like this one. And have fun reading this one.





~With lots of love,

My Brother's Best Friend (Uncontinued)Where stories live. Discover now