chapter 13

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warning: strong language use

I can't do this. I can't do this! I'm sitting on my bed doing some homework and I just can't focus. Seth hasn't woke up. It's been weeks and he hasn't woken up yet.

"Honey..." My mom entered my room and sat on my bed.

"Mom." My voice is trembling. I'm trying to fight off tears but I can't. Minutes of convincing, my mom gave up and told me that she needs to meet a client. I don't know why I'm being this sad.

You wanna know why?

I hear another voice in my head I didn't answer.

Because its all your damn fault.

All your fault

All fault


I can't take it anymore I run to the kitchen and found a knife. Maybe it'll be better if I'm gone. Then......

Someone suddenly snatches the knife. I look up and its my dad.

"What the fuck Jam?!" I stare at my dad. I can see horror and sadness in his eyed. "What are fucking doing? Are you crazy?. Have you even realize the outcome of what you could've done? Have you?" I Can't speak. All my mind is thinking about is Seth. Then I hug my dad. It's just what I need. My dad. His hug. He hugs me back. "Why were going to do that? Don't you not love daddy any more?"

"No," Tears are running down my face. "I love you Daddy, but with mostly everyone blaming me about Seth's current condition. I...." He just closes his eyes. He kisses my forehead then lifts me up. He carries me to my room. My dad tells me to shower. I decided to take a bath. It's going to be more relaxing ang more peacefull. I need to be quiet for a while. I've been crying so much ever since Seth is in the hospital. It scares me too much. How there's gonna be the chances of him not going to wake up. Would I need to kiss him like sleeping beauty? What's gonna be the catch when he wakes up? there's so many possibility. It's gonna be a night mare.

I decided to finish up since my fingers are starting to prune. (A/N i dunno how to explain that but you gt it right?) I take out my biggest T-Shirt which is from Seth. It still smells like him which is a big bonus. I don't even bother putting on shorts. It's not like i'm gonna eat dinner or something. I got on my bed and start scrolling through my social medias. I think I want to tweet something and post a picture on instagram. I tweet, "It's so hard being the one to suffer from this." and then on my Instagram, i decided a picture taken by one of my real friends when Seth and I were on the beach. Them sneaky ninjas. I put " It's all about the mask collection you have " (A/N I just used this as my caption. hehe) I turn off my phone and I decided to read one of my favorite novel, The Fault In Our Stars . (A/N still gets me every time. please don't hurt me.) Then after chapters later, I fall asleep.


a month later ( with the spongebob thingy)

It's been a month and it feels like it's long. It feels like so many things. school, the house and especially the kitchen. You probably wonder why but it's because it's Seth's favorite place in the house. He says that it's the most wonderful place in the house

(ooooooohhhhh, let's go down through memory lane)

"What are you doing?" I ask Seth. Who wouldn't? He's laying down on the counter. What the fuck? Also may I add, there's food everywhere.

"Taking my wonderful nap but you decided to wreck it for me." This guy is bipolar. I'm amazed of how girls manage to stay with him, I mean look! "Also, i'm pigging out on sweets and shit because I have to go back training next week. We all that training with coach Marely is very tough." Yes, I know. In case he didn't know, I take gym class and I sometimes work out and he's my trainer. When you say I'm on a diet, he'll give you hell. No, this. No that. It's fustrating but that's the point.

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