Lies on Lies

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Allison's P.O.V:

"Hey Joey... Can I borrow your car?" I asked Joey while picking up Michelle and sitting next to Steph in the booth.

"Why?" He questioned as he took a long slurp of his extra chocolate shake.

"I need to pick up something from the store... and I'll pick up Dj as well" I replied to him.

"I'll pick it up for you on my way to pick Dj up" he replied.


"Why?" he asked again while raising his eyebrows.

"It's... feminine products" I replied and he still looked at me confused.

"JOEY! I'm picking up pads and Dj is coming with me! Now can I please have your keys!" I exclaimed.

"Oh..uh... here" he looked at me awkwardly and quickly give me his keys. At least that worked!

"Thank you... Now if Jesse questions tell him the same thing I told you" and with that I left.

I arrived at the address that Dj sent me and damn... this was a shady ass area.

What the fuck is she doing here?

I went up the apartment building to the room she told me to.

All I saw were half-naked teens around Dj's age, drinking and smoking in the hallways.

Oh. My. God.

She went to a fucking party! I began to walk faster to find her.

"DJ!" I screamed her name. "DJ!!!"

"Oh god... there you are!" I exclaimed in relief. She was sitting in the corner scared. I went and sat next to her.

"Deej, sweetie what happened?" I asked calmly.

"WOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH" was all heard. I looked up to see... wait... Is that little Kimmy Gibler? She's not so little anymore.

"Kimmy?" I asked while getting up.

"OH...MY...GOD... Allison!!! IT'S BEEN SOOOO LONGGGGG!!!" She screamed while hugging me.

"Are you drunk?!" I asked her... I obviously knew the answer because I could smell the vodka from a mile away.

"Al... can we get out of here" Dj finally said while getting up.

"No I don't wanna leave!!! Adam was going to show me his package... if you know what I mean!" Kimmy giggled.

"I don't mind showing you my package" the boy said while walking towards me.

"one: ew and two: I am wayyyy too old for you" I replied back.

"Age is just a number... a number that doesn't matter sweet cheeks" he smirked.

"And a lawsuit is not" I replied while moving him back.

"Whatever... Kimmy let's do this" he said while grabbing her hand.

"Al... Do you have one of those plastic thingies" Kimmy asked me... Oh my god, she was asking me for a fucking condom!

"Okay that's it!" I said and grabbed Kimmy by the ear like I used to when she was younger, and then I dragged her to the car while Dj followed behind.

I never thought that I would ever be the person dragging people out of a party... wow... I'm getting old. We drove to the convenient store in silence, and I got some things to help Kimmy sober up. Then I drove to Mcdonald's and got them something to eat... Everyone knows that Mcdonald's is the best food when you're drunk. We all sat there eating in silence when finally I decided to break it.

"So... do any of you want to tell me what the hell you guys were doing at the party?!"

Dj's P.O.V:

"So... do any of you want to tell me what the hell you guys were doing at the party?!" Allison finally said breaking the silence. I sighed and began to tell her the story.

"I just wanted to fit in Al... I'm in 12th grade and the wildest thing I've ever done is go to sleep an hour after bedtime... I just wanted to be cool... So when Adam, the guy Kimmy has a huge crush on asked if we wanted to come to a party. Kimmy said yeah... and I agreed because..."

"Because?" Allision question.

"Because Steve was going to be there!" Kimmy said and I hit her. "Hey! we don't have all day, I still need to be home for seven!".

"Who's steve?" Allision questioned.

"Steve is Adam's best friend... and I sorta like him... so I wanted to go to the party so steve didn't think I was a weirdo or something... So then I decided to lie to Joey because... well it's not so difficult lying to Joey... and then we got Adam to pick us up and he took us to his place... It started off only ten people and then it started escalating and next thing I know there was a keg... and everyone was getting drunk and making out and I didn't know what to do... so I called you"

"Where was this steve dude?" Allision asked me.

"He got sick so he didn't show up at the party... it was such a waste... and Kimmy got wasted and was about to go into Adam's room before you showed up... Allison please don't tell my dad" I pleaded.

"Deej... I'm glad you called me and I'm glad you realized you messed up... I understand why you did this... trust me I was just like you" Allision explained.

"Just like me? Al, you're gorgeous... every guy that sees you, wants you... you even have uncle Jesse ready to get on his knees for you!" I exclaimed.

"Uncle Jesse is just a friend... He's trying to be nice" she laughed... Mhmm... She's so blind.

"When I was your age, I had braces, and I was chubby... no guy wanted to be near me... except for Alex... He liked me for me... I never had to act different.. Deej, when the right guys come along... he will like you for you... you won't have to switch yourself to please him"

"Did you think Alex was the right guy?" I asked her.

"Sometimes people fall out of love... and sometimes people do stupid stuff for love... in this case Alex was a great friend, but he did something stupid for the love of his life... which wasn't me... and he ended up hurting me in the process... But hey, you always learn from your heartbreaks... Now... I think we've told enough lies for tonight... why don't we go home" she said.

"Do I have to tell dad?" I asked and she nodded.

Ughhh... I'm screwed...


Hey guys!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Let's reach 50 reads and then I will update the next chapter!

Go check out my other books if you haven't' already!

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