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It was way to early in the morning to be a human but I had to drop Oaklynn off at Dani and Kevins house while we have the shoot. It's an early morning on but it goes till afternoon. I get out of bed and instantly get sick. I'm not surprised but Joe should be up in a little bit. I walk back out of the bathroom and head to Oaks room. I had to pack her a bag for the day so I had to finish up with stuff. After he bag was packed, I woke her up, changed her, and got her dressed.
"Let's go wake up daddy."
I put her on the floor and she ran straight to our room. She couldn't get up in the bed so I helped her up. She crawled over to Joe and jumped on him. I saw him open his eyes and he didn't look happy. But when he saw Oak, he knew he couldn't swear.
"Hey, I guess someone is up before me."
He gives her a hug and kisses her cheek. I run to the bathroom and guess what, I got sick. This isn't as bad as Oaklynns pregnancy so I'm thinking it might be a boy. Or a girl because I have no clue. I had my first appointment yesterday and it was good. The baby was healthy and I was 5 weeks along. So a little over a month. I go back out and Joe looks a bit worried. I sit back next to him and he pulls me under his arm.
"You alright baby?"
"Yeah, morning sickness and nerves are getting to me."
"Your going to do great okay! Now, when does she need to be over at my brothers house?"
"I'm a few minutes. We where actually about to leave but I wanted her to wake you up."
"Aww, so cute. Well you should head off. When you get home we hopefully will have some spare time."
"Hopefully. We are watching Netflix if so."
"Alright, love you guys."
"Love you too. Say bye to daddy."
"Bye bye."
He gives her a kiss and I kiss him on the cheek. We head out to the car with all of her stuff. Once we arrive at Kevin and Dani's place, it looks like one person is up. I walk to the front door and I open it sense they said it would be open. I see Kev walking out of the office and coming towards us.
"Hey! How are you lovely ladies doing this morning?"
"She's doing great but I'm scared out of my life. What if they find out?"
"If they do, then you might just have to reveal it earlier then you thought. But you'll be amazing."
"Thanks, how are you?"
"I'm good, but the girls kept Dani up all night. That's why I'm up first. But now I get to spend some time with my niece."
"She's so excited to hang out with you guys today! Tell Dani and the girls I said hi. Bye Oaklynn!"
I give her a kiss on her cheek and I hug Kev also handing him the bag. I shut the door as I walk out and I go to my car. I drive home and on my way, I stopped and got coffee for Joe and I got myself a refresher from Starbucks. Once I got home, Joe wasn't downstairs and I heard the tv in our room go off. I head to our room with my coffees in hand and I see Joe putting Netflix on the tv.
"I stopped and got coffee."
"Yay, now I don't have to go downstairs. Your a lifesaver."
"Why thank you. But I can't have coffee anymore so it's gonna be an interesting one."
"More of Allie being stressed without coffee. What else do I expect."
"You married this so you have to deal with it forever."
"Yep, I know. But best decision in my life. Other then now having two kids with you!"
I get back in bed next to him and he puts on Jane The Virgin. It's my favorite show so I force him to watch it with me. He pulls me into his chest and I let out a sigh.
"Are you alright baby?"
"Not really. I'm very nervous, and I don't want anyone to find out yet."
"Your gonna be great, especially right next to me. And if they find out, we can reveal it earlier then we thought. Hopefully you won't get sick on set."
"Oh yeah, that would be bad."
"Well come on, we gotta be at set in 30 minutes."
"But I don't wanna get out of bed."
"I will pick you up if u have too."
"Fine, I'm up."
I get out of bed and grab my keys and turn everything off and we head out. Once we arrive at set, it was a beautiful outside shoot. I walk to the trailers and I'm pulled into hair and makeup. They do a natural look with a red lip on my face and they make my hair wavy by curling it. Then I was pulled into wardrobe. They put me into a nice sun dress, with heels and a flower necklace and bracelets to match my wedding ring. I walk out and meet Joe over by where everyone was setting up. He was in a nice button down shirt with black jeans and some dress shoes.
"Someone looks beautiful."
"You don't look to bad yourself."
"Why thank you."
We were told to go and stand in the middle of a field and do some cute poses together. After a while of posing, it was time for another change. I went back to hair and makeup and they put my makeup as more of a night look with lipgloss this time. She then put my hair half up into a bun and redid some of my curls. If I had to I would have had Dani do my hair. I go over to wardrobe and they change me into a night out on the town dress and some sparkly jewelry. I walk back out to set and see Joe wearing jeans and another button down shirt with a jacket over it.
"That dress looks so sexy on you!"
"Thank you. I like it also. But I feel like it's too slim."
"I can't tell a difference, you look the same as always."
"Thanks babe, you always know how to put me into a good mood."
After four hours of shooting with several different outfits, we could go home. We drove home and once we arrived, I walk over to the couch and lie down and fell asleep. A bit later, I feel someone picking me up and I open my eye briefly and see Joe carrying me upstairs. He puts me in bed and gives my head a kiss and goes back downstairs. I sleep for a while longer until I woke up from my phone going off. I look and see that it's Dani.
"Hey, how was the shoot?"
"Good, how has your day been."
"Tiring, Oaklynn was great all day. Kevin is out with her right now and I think he's meeting up with Nick."
"Cool, Joe and I needed some rest before we had Oak back home. I was paranoid the whole day the secret was gonna get out."
"I bet they didn't even notice. It's gonna look great."
"Thanks, well I should actually get up. I fell asleep right when we got home on the couch but Joe brought me back upstairs. Then I was just awoken now."
"Well have fun. I guess I will see you later."
"Yep, bye."
I hang up and I head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Joe making something.
"What are you cooking today chef Jonas?"
"Soup. And can soup to be real. If you couldn't tell, I'm being lazy today."
"I could tell a little bit. I wasn't awoken so I can tell you are being nice."
"Your pregnant and we have been married almost three years now so I had to be nice one time."
"Well I appreciate it, I needed that sleep."
"What parent doesn't need sleep."
"I have a good idea. Kevin told me that they both didn't get some sleep with the girls last night so how about a sleepover. I bet the girls would be happy. They haven't spent any time with uncle Joe."
"Good idea."
"Yeah, Kev should be home with Oaklynn soon so we can go over and get the girls."
We eat our lunch and hang out just us two for a bit and we decided to head over. Once we arrive, we knock on the door and Alena answers it.
"Uncle Joe, Allie!!"
She jumps up on Joe and he carries her in. Kevin hands me Oak and we where both happy to see each other. Joe whispers to Alena to go get a bag out for the two and we would help pack. She runs upstairs and we sit down with Kevin and Danielle on the couch.
"What do you two have up your sleeve?"
"Sense Kevin told me this morning that you both didn't have a whole lot of sleep, we decided that you needed the night to yourselves. So the girls are coming with us for now."
"Oh thank you. I needed a night."
Alena comes back downstairs and comes over to Dani and pulls her upstairs. After a while, they come back down with two bags.
"Alright, they are good for the night. We should be there in the morning."
"Well we will see you in the morning. Bye guys."
"Thanks so much. We need this."
We walk out with all three girls. I was holding Valentina while Joe had Alena on his back and he was holding a sleepy Oaklynn. We get in the car and Oaklynn and Valentina both fall asleep on the car ride home. Once we arrive home, Joe said that he would put the two little ones down to bed while Alena and I make some popcorn. We both walk into the kitchen and I put her up on the counter.
"So, what movie do you wanna watch Alena?"
"I don't know. Something with a princess!"
"How about, beauty and the beast?"
"Yay, I love that movie."
"You are totally a mini belle."
"What are you two girls up to?"
Joe comes walking into the kitchen and goes over by Alena.
"We are gonna watch Beauty and the Beast."
"Oh I love that movie."
"Of course you do. Popcorn is ready!"
Alena was already in her pajamas so if she fell asleep, it wouldn't be a big deal. We all went and sat on the couch with Alena in between us. I put the movie on and we all relax and watch the movie. Half way through, Alena falls asleep so we called it a night sense we had a long day also. Joe carried her upstairs and put her in the guest room with her sister. I went into our room and took a quick shower and got into bed. I lay down next to Joe while he was still on his phone.
"My sooo tired."
"Same, thank goodness the girls are sleeping."
"Yeah, Danielle and Kevin needed this."
"Yeah, night love you!"
"Love you too baby!"
I give him a kiss and i turn over and fall asleep.
Hope you enjoyed. Should I do a time skip to the show in Europe or not?
(1945 words)

Love For Jonas, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now