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In Two days it's gonna be Halloween .i have a homemade costume .any ways

So I woke up to my phone beeping .
."hello "i said with my raspy morning voice
"hey ,it's jc "
"Oh hey what's up"
"I wanted to know If you wanted to go to a Halloween party "
"Yea totally ,what time and where "
" at about 9:30 and at our new house ,I'll text you the address later "
"Ok bye "
"Bye " I Said then hanged up .

I took a shower ,then put my pajamas then went to the kitchen .hhhmmmmm what do I want .aha bagels .i took one bagel out and ate it with cream cheese spreaded in the middle .i finished then decided to wake up the girls .nah they'll kill me ...........







I asked jc if I could bring the girls and he said yes so we're currently getting ready .
"You guys done " I yelled as I got my purse
"Yea " they yelled back "well let's go " I said as jenn closed the door behind us all.i checked the time on my phone

We got in then started jamming to one direction

/ finally there /
I parked my car next to the house .locked it then knocked on the door .you could hear the music booming through the door up to the next block .i felt nervous because kian was gonna be here .andrea avoid him ok? Ok.i was greeted by jc opening the door " hey guys come in " he said
We said thanks then came in .the music was really loud so I got some Pepsi and quietly ran my way through the house to find Ricky's room .i finally found it and sat on his bed .i crossed my legs and thought about this .i shouldn't have come .andrea you knew you hated parties but jc just had to manipulate you didn't he .
(( in this story jc isn't with lia ))
Then the door flew open to a person that's called jc .
" andrea why are you here if I may ask "
" I just don't feel good " I said. Lies .my whole life full of those white little lies
" andrea I know you don't want to be here " he said sitting next to me
" we'll do you want to talk or something " I said awkwardness filling the air
" sure I want to know more about you "
" ok "
$ we talked for about an hour $
Then I went downstairs and started socializing .
Then took a selfie with jc then texted arden Lauren and jenn In a group chat and told them I left .
I sped home .then parked in our garage .

I unlocked the house then came to my room took off my costum .put my pajamas then went to sleep .

........ .............
Long/ medium chapter for you guys

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