No time to die part 2/2

Start from the beginning

He left again and I have stuck in the bathroom alone again. All I can do is sit back and watch everything go to hell. I started to gag and threw up in the toilet behind me.

"I-I thought he was gonna hit me again. I can't believe I got this scared I threw up. But he doesn't mean it. He just gets angry. He's the only person who will ever love me. To be honest I owe him for even going out with me."

"Did he use to think like this? He doesn't owe anybody anything. There are so many people who love you me included."

I got in the car with the silver guy which I soon realized was Tetsu. I looked out the window of the car feeling numb. I looked in the back seat and saw a bra and a makeup bag.

"Tetsu who's bra is that? Why is there even a bra in your car?"

"Oh, it's Haruko's we fucked last Saturday. Don't worry about it you're my number one. Plus you said you didn't feel like doing it, you got all moody and said I only use you for sex. So, basically it's your fault."

" bad."

"By the way your lookin' kinda chubby maybe you should go on a diet Crimson riot isn't built like peter griffin why should you be." He continued

"I'll just buy some of your weeb shit. Will you forgive me then?"

"You don't have to do that. I-I forgive you."

"Good because that Haruko bitch made me buy her perfume and crap. Probably because her pussy smelled like fuckin' rotten cheese." Tetsu laughed at his sick joke and I reluctantly laughed along even though he was explaining the way he cheated on me

"T-Tetsu please don't cheat in my anymore I love you and I want you to be with me all the time."

"Awww well you're gonna have to beg better than that. I'm high maintenance I'm attractive to men and women people like Haruko and Shoji. Shit, I didn't tell you about Shoji, anyway, they fall right into my hands."

"I-I'll do anything just stay with me. Stay by my side please."

"There you go again making me chained to you. Okay, I promise baby."

He said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"This dude is disgusting...playing with Kiri's heart. Using him like a fucking toy."

We arrived at a house that didn't resemble Kiri's at all.

"I thought we were going to play volleyball. Why are we at your house?"

"You said you'd do anything and the way you begged just now turned me on. You know what you have to do." He grinned evilly

I rang the bell viciously wanting to scream

"So, how was your first memory?"

"It fucking sucked! Why the hell did Kiri let that bastard treat him that way and what was so important about that memory?"

"Well, I was trying to show you how they normally functioned. This went on and on for about 6 and a half months. That's honestly the nicest he's been."

"He said he could drive so... that means he was 16, but Kiri was in Middle school." I said trying to connect the pieces.

"He was sixteen years old but didn't have a license yet but he drove everywhere. He really thought he was twentysix living like he was big and bad. I just turned 14 when we met. So, Eijirou was a third year in middle school and Tetsu was a second year in high school. Well, the next memory is about one of the worst decisions of my/Eijirou's life. You ready?"

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