mORe HeadCanONs

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- Tord actually runs am incorrect quotes blog for some animes he watched

-Most of the incorrect quotes are actually from his conversations with his former friends or from his Soldiers

-Edd stays up till 3am and gets really grumpy if someone texts him during the time

-Matt actually pronounced the word 'm e m es' wrong for  a year.

-Edd was sobbing at some point once he heard matt pronounce
'me m es' wrong

-Tord helped him pronounce it properly

-Tom can and will cling onto someone if needed (literally)

-Tom is bisexual

-Edd is demisexual

-Matt is polysexual

-Tord thought he was straight but he's actually bisexual too

Eddsworld headcannons & Incorrect Quotes!(along with some other aus)Where stories live. Discover now