Just another red carpet

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"Everybody's dying to hear your version, what do you say?" Robert's face was filled with mischief, and suddenly Isa thought; Why not? It might even be therapeutic. She had to realize that it didn't matter how much she regretted leaving, she had to live with the consequences. Morgan wasn't hers anymore, and however much it hurt she had to get it into her head that there was no turning back. She made the bed, and now she had to lay in it.

Isa straightened her back. "But choose a minor company for the scoop," she whispered while the camera-flashes was going crazy, catching what looked to them like an intimate situation.

The face of the girl that got the privilige of interviewing her wore a mixture of greed and nervousness; she was ecstatic to be the first one to get any kind of answer from Isa directly.

"You have been seen with Morgan Gray, but then you disappeared, does this mean, the two of you are an item now." She motioned between Robert and Isa.

Isa looked over to see Robert's humor-lit face. "I was seen with Robert, before I met Morgan Gray," she answered polite and it felt weird to talk about him in this formal way. "My relationship with Robert didn't change, just because I ended up being photographed with Morgan."

The reporter's eyebrows shot surprised in the air.

"But you two were being caught kissing; didn't that bother you?" She now turned to Robert who still had his arm around Isa's waist.

"No, none of that changed the feelings between Felicia and me."

The girl looked totally bemused, and had to work hard to figure out next question. "So there was nothing going on between Morgan Gray and yourself?"

"Oh there was everything going on between Morgan and me," Isa objected and Robert nodded so intensely that even the camera-guy almost lost his bearings.

"You were having both of them, and they were okay with that?" She looked shocked by now.

Isa looked at Robert and they were both about to snicker, despite Isa's depression. They couldn't keep this up anymore. That was when Isa's eyes locked at Morgan. He was standing just fifty yards away, turning the other way and her whole body went into lock-down.

Oh my God, he was here!

Robert noted her tension and pinched her discreetly. They looked at each other and Isa did her best to regained her inner balance and the feign smile returned, at least on the outside. Robert was the one to address the poor girl. "That was no problem, because Felicia is my sister." He whispered it out in a pretended secret.

The reporter didn't expect that, and her expression revealed a real brain-melt-down.

Robert stood behind Isa, with both his arms around her waist and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "We've actually never been caught kissing, that have all been in your imagination. This has been really funny though, and now we need to move on."

They nodded to the stunned girl and Robert once again put one of his arms around her waist and they proceeded, posing for another row of photos, before they could enter the foyer.

"Are you okay?" He smiled at her.

"Morgan is here!" Isa hissed.

Robert started to look around. "Really?" He looked around. "I didn't know he'd be here. Did he see you?"

She felt breathless. "I don't think so."

"Do you wanna sneak out?"

She thought about it for a moment before she shook her head. "No, we'll stay." Her stomach was clenching, but Isa just couldn't walk out of there without seeing him, she just couldn't.

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