Chapter Four - Aadil

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Aadil groaned, his back throbbing, his head seeming to pulse. His scimitar lay several feet to the side, his shield felt weaker than he'd ever felt it before. Several thousands of feet above him, he saw the blue skies of day, along with a tiny black speck that seemed to be falling after him. As the speck grew bigger, his eyes widened and he threw up his shield.

The man's sword clashed against his shield and shattered it, the blade plunged deep into Aadil's forearm. He shouted out, but brought his leg up and kicked the man away. He stumbled back, giving Aadil just enough time to use the triforce against him. As emotion rose up in his chest, he imagined the man getting ripped to shreds, he expected to hear a ringing noise anytime now.

It never came. As he desperately waited for a familiar rush of power, he started to feel drained, exhausted, and his sight started to dim until he couldn't see at all.

He heard laughter echo around him.

"You're a fool, Chief Aadil," a voice said, ringing through his ears, "And now you will pay,"

He felt something hard hit against his skull and was knocked out instantly.

Aadil walked through the valley, following the nearly invisible wisps of blue into a cave, only to find the remains of the Yiga Clan Hideout. There was nothing left here to find or scavenge, nothing but the walls around him. He remembered stories of his mother, she had come through the hideout one day to bring an end to it all, and succeeded. The Gerudo left that day victorious. The Yiga Clan never showed it's head again. He remembered listening to the stories as a child in awe.

He continued through the empty walls before coming across a dead end... only he could tell it wasn't. With a wave, the false wall swung open and Aadil walked out into the open. There was nothing out here except for a large pit, the same one he'd seen before when he'd been in his study.

As he came closer, he felt someone's eyes on him. He spun around and used the triforce's power to bring the man to him. He wore a red suit, with bits of leather armor over it, over his face he wore a simple white mask. In one hand he held a knight's sword.

Aadil braced himself for a fight, his sword and shield materializing out of thin air.

"You want a fight? I'll give you a fight,"

He could see the man's chest rise and fall as if he were laughing. Then in no longer than a few seconds, he dropped to the ground and swept Aadil's legs, making him fall backward. Then for good measure, the man stood tall again, brought his leg up and kicked Aadil off into the pit.

Aadil woke up blind. Out of habit, he kept finding himself searching out the Triforce's power, trying to use it, trying to see if anything, but for whatever reason it was out of his reach.

Then he began to realize what was happening. Aadil lay flat against the ground. He felt rope tied around his arms, legs, neck, and waist. He tried pulling against his bonds, resulting only and making his forearm throb in pain.

"He's awake!" There was a shout from right beside him. He froze still, waiting for another voice to speak, or to hear some kind of movement, or to feel something different. For a blind person, he felt useless without being able to see around him.

Finally someone spoke to him, "Listen well, if you do as we want, you might be able to keep your life," Aadil held back a scoff, "What you're gonna do is, when you leave here, you won't send a single soldier to investigate this area, you won't do anything to disturb us. Second thing is you're gonna surrender the Triforce to us—"

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