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You hit your alarm clock. Mornings aren't your favorite, that's for sure. With a yawn and a quick stretch, you were up on your feet. Checking the time, you saw it was 9:30 AM. "Perfect," you grumbled, "...I could've slept in for 30 more minutes!" Curse that alarm clock. You swear it's always malfunctioning, making your timer go off earlier than intended. Perhaps that's what you get for hitting it so harshly every morning. You sighed, just more money down the toilet for a new alarm clock. Before you had the chance to sulk about your alarm clock some more, your stomach grumbled fiercely. "I hear you loooooud and clear buddy. Food is on it's way.", you say as you stumble out of your bedroom, still a bit drowsy from waking up not so long ago. "Alexa, connect to my spotify", you say as you pull out a pan from the cabinet. You put the pan on the stove, turning the heat to medium. Then, you open the fridge, a blast of cold hitting your face, making you shiver. You grab the shreddy hashbrowns and two eggs. You looked at the bacon with hungry eyes, but decided agaisnt making it, because you were lazy. Even though bacon was good, being lazy was better.

As you were cooking, you hummed along with the songs that played, sometimes swaying your hips or singing along quietly with the words you knew. "Hey mambo, mambo italiano...", you sang, giggling at the irony of listening to the song while actually being in Italy. With breakfast done, you dug in, and finished in record time. "Jeez," you said, a bit worried, "I'm a breakfast monster! Devourer of all eggs and hashbrowns. Hah, doesn't sound too bad." You put your dishes in the sink, and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and freshen up. Once you were ready to start your day, you slipped on a simple white shirt with some jeans, and slipped on your shoes.

On your way out, you looked back to your empty apartment. "I'll be back at around 5:00ish", you said to no one. This had become a tradition, greeting and saying goodbye to your apartment. It was weird and you knew it, but who cares, you done way weirder things like a hundred years ago. But nowadays you kept yourself on the low.

You lock your door with a click, and head down to the streets of Naples. As you walk, you take in the scenery around you. The colorful buildings, full of history and stories to tell were charming to you. A group of kids laughed as they ran across the street, chasing after a ball. You sighed, worried about kids running in streets, knowing it wasn't safe. Let's just say you've been in a similar situation before.

Finally, you got to your destination. A small cafe called Gypsy palace coffee. It was a tiny shop, with a cozy atmosphere. The smell of coffee and cinnamon was intoxicating, and drew in people who happened to walk by the shop. No, you weren't magic. Even after all of these years, you weren't a witch, which was a bit disappointing to you. It was now 10:30, on the dot, and you flipped the sign in the window to show that the shop was open. Ironically, you weren't a huge coffee fan yourself, but you sure as hell knew how to brew a damn good cup of Joe.

It was a busy day, with customers coming in and out, some sitting down to enjoy their drink, while most grabbed theirs to go to take to their own work. It was tough running the shop all by yourself, but you didnt necessarily want any workers to get attached to. You never really striked up a conversation with any of your customers either, you just politely listened and nodded every so often.

Soon it was 5:00 PM, and you flipped the sign once more. You cleaned up and swept the floors, getting rid of crumbs from the croissants you sold, and picking up napkins here and there. You locked up the shop and embarked on your way home. As you were walking home, you started thinking of new items to put on the menu. Maybe a new coffee? That sounds good, but what flavour would it be? Perhaps a chocolate coffee. You drooled a bit as your mind drifted from coffee to hot chocolate, and you didnt notice the young man that you were about to bump into- "oof!" You fell right on your butt.

"Signora! I'm so sorry I bumped into you, are you alright", said the person you bumped into, reaching a hand out to help you up. "Oh! I'm fine, it's my fault really, I was lost in my own thoughts.." you say as you reach for his hand. Now, you've lived a long time. You've seen many beautiful men and women, but ohhh boy. This guy? Wowwwwie, was he something else. Your eyes met as he pulled you up. You almost felt as though you've seen him before. "Have... have we met before...?" You question, blushing a bit. You really hoped he would say no, so you wouldn't be acquainted with him, and grow feelings for him, but his response startled you.

"Where have you been my entire life...?"

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