As I went to set it in the sink, I accidently dropped into the sink instead the pain started to become unbearable. Suddenly the pain stopped. It seemingly vanished, the only thing left was the numb feeling I felt in my gums. Shaking it off, I turned on the cold water and let it run over the chicken so it could dethaw faster.

Setting my phone down on the counter, I walked to the livingroom and turned on the TV my father must have set up while I was rotting away in my room with nothing to do. PFFT Figures. Opening YouTube, I logged onto my account and pressed play on a Salena Gomez song. As the song played on, I danced to the beat, swinging my hips as I danced over to the sink lost in the rhythm and hunger. Using my claws, I ripped open the package of chicken.

Dancing to the song, I ate my raw, delicious and bloody chicken, its blood dripping down my face and staining my shirt caused me a sly smile and smirk to form into my face. One by one, the six pack of chicken disappeared rapidly, my teeth seemingly destroying and shredding the chicken to bits before I swallowed them. It was a little cold, and definitely not totally dethawed but overall it was- Oh SHIT. The realization of what I had just done struck me. Oh SHIT Oh FUCK Oh SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. I ran to the bathroom and forced myself to puke. Well I tried to. But it seemed that my stomach wanted to keep it. And it loved it.

Getting off the ground, I stood in front of the mirror. My gums started burning, blood drooling out of the corner of my mouth. WTF!? Opening my mouth, my canines looked sharper and rounder, nothing but my suddenly bleeding gums were out of place. Gripping the counter tightly, I stared at myself in the mirror. Taking deep breaths in and out, I tried to calm down. Whatever was happening to me? I needed answers. Leaving the bathroom, I heard something crash in the other room. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself before turning my walk into a jog.

There in the living room was one of my grandmother's vases shattered on the ground, and in the middle of the table sat a black and white tuxedo cat in its place. I couldn't help but smile. The cat was licking itself as if it hadn't just knocked down something probably valuable and priceless. "And how just did you get in here!?" I looked around but found no possible way for him to have broken in.

"MEOW." He seemed to have responded to me loudly. As if beconning me forward, he started to pur.

"Do you have a name, baby?" I asked in a tone that I've parents talk to their babies in.

"PURR MEOW MEOW." He meowed louder as if yelling at me for not petting him. Following his orders, I walked towards the table. "MEOW PRRRRRR MEOW." He started purring as I picked him up and put him on my shoulder.

As I pet the cat, I noticed he didn't have a collar on which either meant he was a stray or his owner didn't get him a collar. "What are we going to name you? Anything you like?" I asked him as I set him back down on the table. Crouching to make eye contact and pet him I tried to figure out a good name. "Tux."

"Meow." He spoke and started to purr while rubbing up against my arm.

"You like that huh?" I asked giggling as I put him back on my shoulder. "Sadly I'm going to have to kick you out Tux. Dad's allergic to anything with fur and you already made a huge mess!" Before I knew it, I was at the front door. I've never had a pet before, my father allergic to anything with fur, and my hatred/ fear for reptiles and amphibians kinda crossed out all options for a pet.

"MEEEOOOWWW!!!" Tux started hissing and scratching at me when I opened the door.

"What is wrong with you!?" I threw Tux outside and away from me. I looked outside to see what had scared Tux so badly. "Oh my god!" I jumped as James entered my vision, scaring the hell out of me. "What are you doing here!? And how do you know where I live?" Was he stalking me?

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