"What's behind the double doors?" I asked looking back at the locked doors.

"That was your grandfather's study, and also the library of the house. He was a very private man that one. So it's important you stay out of there."

"But you said that the only place off limits was the second room in the basement!" I grumbled while trying to keep in my anger.

"Yes, well I forgot about this room till now. So, like I said off limits."


"No but's Taylor! End of story." UGHH. How was I supposed to find out what was behind that door that was calling me if I couldn't even step one foot inside of it? "Do you understand me son?"

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I huffed.

"Good, now let's go out to eat. I am famished." My father said walking over to me to help walk me outside. Allowing him to help since I could barely walk on my own and my father decided not to get me a crutch like I had asked of him.


"Welcome to Abruzzo's Italian Kitchen! My name is James and I will be your server today!" James... that name sounded familiar. Looking up, my eyes met with those of the french kids that I had met a week ago in the library and forgot to text after he gave me his number to 'hang out'.

"Bonjuor Taylor." James said, surprised to see me.

"H-hey J-james." I stuttered, looking away before my father could tell I was blushing.

"I will start you off with some drinks, and then I will take your order, so what may I get you tonight?" James asked, taking out one of those ordering pads that all servers used to take orders.

"Um, i'll start out with lemon water, and then whatever Taylor wants." My father said his eyes were basically drilling holes through James.

"Make that two please and thank you." My father and I handed him our drink menus.

"Alight mes amis, I shall be back to take your order in a quelques minutes." James smiled as he walked away to get our drinks.

"Who was that." My father sounded almost angry.

"Oh uh, no one just someone I met while at the library." I tried to reassure him, hoping he didn't figure out I liked boys just because of one guy.

"Yeah? Well stay away from him. He's obviously a fag." My father spat, making me wince. "He was basically drooling over you the entire time. If he goes to you're school next year stay as far away as possible, you see him around town stay as far as possible, he even looks at you-"

"Look the other way and pretend he's not there I take it?" Anger started to boil, rage, and sizzle inside of me like water being heated up for pasta on a stove. Something started to move under my skin, my skin starting to burn. But at the moment I couldn't care. I wanted to scream, and yell at my homophobic father. The one who had just told me what to do with my life when he had never even been in my life to start with. The stranger I was expected to call dad, the stranger who I did call dad. My skin started to burn, the pain started to cloud my vision, and make me wince, the pain unbearable as I felt like my skin was being ripped apart; tearing apart and healing and tearing apart again. Not now, not now, not now. I felt like I was going to puke. "I have to use the bathroom, i'll be right back." I held my hand to my face as I excused myself from the table abruptly. Running to the bathroom my leg didn't cause me any trouble or pin as I barely made it to the toilet in time before I puked up a nasty, black sludge, the stench of it was excruciatingly disgusting. Quickly, I flushed it hoping it would get rid of the smell as well. Getting off of the ground, I stood up and got out of the stall, the smell still hanging in the air but not as foul as before.

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