"Everything okay in there Taylor?" Although his voice was calm, I could tell he was mad, even through the door.

"Just feeling... sick is all." I replied not wanting him to know I was going crazy.

"Next time try not to wake me." My father said angrily, but sighed knowing he couldn't be mad at me for feeling sick.

Rolling my eyes, I spoke up, "Oh of course." I gritted my teeth before muttering under my breath. "Next time I feel like i'm dying I'll stop feeling that way and make sure that you sleep like a baby." Slowly, I peeled my wet clothes off until I was in nothing but my underwear and let them flop to the wide of me with a big, wet slapping sound. Looking at my arms, I noticed that they looked almost hairier than usual. But I'm sure that was just because I was wet. After a few more minutes, the burning sensation cooled down completely, as did the feeling that something was trying to escape. Sitting up, I shut off the water leaving me wet and almost bare naked. Leaning back, I shut my eyes, giving myself a second to relax.


"Wha- wha!?" I sat up quickly, looking around to see my surroundings. Shit, I fell asleep in the bathtub.

"Taylor! I need you to run into town for me real quick and grab us some food." I grumbled in annoyance. Why couldn't he just go get something? Getting out of the tub, I stumbled and slammed myself into the sink due to my legs that felt prickly as they slowly woke up.

"God damn." I was winded. Going to reach for my inhaler, I realized it wasn't on my person. Great. Turning on the faucet, I splashed my face with water, breathing heavy. "Ahh!" I yiped in surprise at what I saw in the mirror. My face. It was covered in stubble that seemed to have grown over night. With no friends or even really a father I didn't know much about puberty, but I was pretty sure that you can't just grow a beard and mustache overnight. In all honesty as strange as this entire... change was, it didn't look half that bad.
"Taylor are you up!?" My father yelled from the kitchen. Wait. How did I know he was in the kitchen? It wasn't important, I was probably just assuming he was in the kitchen since he was talking about food. Shrugging it off, I walked out of the bathroom in nothing but my boxers that were just soaking wet a couple of hours before. Making haste to my room, I replied to my father.

"I am now!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me, but not loud enough to give an attitude, I didn't feel like getting yelled at for showing the slightest emotion to a man who could seemingly give two shits about me. No thanks to you I wanted to yell, but kept it to myself.

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I reached for my inhaler that laid on the nightstand next to the bed I failed to sleep in. The sky was barely all that bright yet, telling me it was still early. Great, the one night I go through horrible burning like pain, and fall asleep in the bathtub I get woken up early. You would think with my father and I driving one thousand miles, and getting little to no sleep he'd at least let me sleep in. But no, he had to wake me up earlier than usual. Grabbing my phone off of my bed, I checked the time. Eight twenty- one. Huffing, I grabbed the suitcase I tucked under the bed before I failed to fall asleep. Pulling out a fresh pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a pair of blue boxer briefs, two black socks, a plain white shirt that had colorful strips around the chest, and a snug hoodie that was black around the waist, a thick grey line that wrapped around the chest, meeting in the middle in a V-shape, a light brown color from the shoulders up. It was probably my favorite hoodie, and one of the only things I own that my parents hadn't bought for me. My fashion sense had never been the best, but a couple of others had told me that the quality was impeccable. Quickly, I got dressed not wanting to piss my father off anymore than he probably was from being woken up last night. Putting on my shirt, I noticed it seemed smaller as it dressed my body tightly and firmly, as if it had shrunk. Shrugging it off, I didn't care seeing as it wasn't even one of my favorite shirts.

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