Opening my mouth to say something, nothing came out. I wanted to speak but at the same time I didn't want to interrupt the beautiful and sad silence that surrounded me. "I uh... I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am. No one deserves to die alone. Not even you." I tried to sniffle back the snot that came with my tears. "I love you mom, I really do. I know I haven't always been the best son to you, but I did love you nonetheless, even when I couldn't see that I did. I sat there for about another hour in silence, picking at the grass that grew around me and studying my mothers and grandparents tombstones. Her parents' tombstones stood tall, and looked as brand new as my mothers saying "Here lies Jacob & Joanne Beck Loving father and mother of-" and so forth. My mothers said the same thing except it was only her name and it only said loving mother of Taylor McBain// me. The dates of my mothers birthday to death day were also listed whilst my grandparents had no dates on their combined tombstone.
      Taking in a deep breath I looked up and stared at the darkening sky. After a few seconds I let the breath out and brought my head down to look at my mom's grave. "Well I better get going soon before dad sends a search team for me." I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. Going to stand up and stretch I fell over. Groaning, I took out my inhaler and tried to gain my breath. I needed to learn to stop standing up so fast. After a minute or so on the ground I used my inhaler once more before slowly, and cautiously standing up. Once standing, I decided to give myself some time and stretch my numb legs from sitting down on the ground cross legged for the past hour or so before moving.

    "Goodbye mom, I'll visit you soon I promise." I said kissing my hand and pressing it to her tombstone. Grabbing my jacket off of the ground, I noticed I was absolutely alone. Everything had been cleaned up, and it looked almost as if there had been no one there only a few hours ago. Turning to leave I heard something rustle in the bush from behind me. Maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought.

    "Hello!?" I yelled, looking around for the source of the sound. "Is someone there?" I yelled again. Shrugging it off, I turned and started walking away again. It must've been a bird or some wild animal that ran about. But I didn't make it farther than five feet when I heard the rustling again. "Who's there?" I yelled, trying to make my voice deeper to scare off whoever or whatever was there. Standing my ground, I heard more rustling and then a yipe. This time curiosity got the better of me. Walking in the direction I heard the rustling from thoughts ran through my head from what if it was a stray dog stuck in the fence, or a bush. What if it was some poor critter that needed my help? With every step I took forward, my heart beat faster and faster. Finding myself in front of a bush, I noticed the rustiling had stopped. Instead there was a low rumble that had replaced it.

    "Hey are you okay?" I asked in a soft tone, trying to let whatever it was know I wasn't there to hurt it. Slowly, I parted the bush to see what was inside. But it was empty. Nothing but a couple of dead leaves from last fall that were decomposing. "Um... okay then." I said puzzled. I could have sworn there was something just in here but I guess I was wrong. Letting the bush close, I stood up, my back cracking simultaneously. I shivered at the reaction. I hated the sound, the sound of bones, knuckles, sticks, anything that made a popping or cracking sound. But that was the least of my worries right now.
       As I stood up, and my back cracked I saw it. There on the other side of the bush. It was a- a wolf. Wild and thin it was basically bones with fur. Looking up and down at the poor animal's fur and body, I tried not to make eye contact. The wolf had glistening black fur that looked almost purple and green as it reflected in the dimming sunlight. Even though the wolf was nothing but bones, it had to have been almost twice the size of any wolf i've seen.

    Trying to avoid eye contact, I took a slow step back. Noticing what I was doing, it growled and got into a leaping position as if it were about to attack me. "Good doggy." I gulped. Okay, what did I know about wolves? They were predators, carnivores, and could easily kill a weaponless human... like me. They had far better eyesight, hearing and smelling, and they could sense fear right? Hell I was a hotspot for fear right now. I took in a deep breath trying to calm down. I couldn't die here. Not today, not anytime soon. I was too young to die, plus I didn't want to be the joke of a town I didn't even know. I mean how ironic was it to die in a graveyard?

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