Chapter Two: And all the Cigarette Ashes Fall Down

Start from the beginning

Just thinking about the kiss made my heart plummet to the floor when the image of her leaving without saying anything invaded my mind. Was it rejection? Was the kiss a mistake to her? Well, if you kissed the host of the party's little sister it might as well be a mistake since he's protective over her but why did the sudden rejection I got last night brought another crack to my heart? Was developing a crush on a girl I knew nothing of not even her name made it feel so heartbreaking and painful? Everything was new and since I know nothing of the 'love life'. I knew if I told Shirley or Celeste what I should do to rid this 'crush' they would interrogate me in telling them who this so called crush was.

But having a crush on a girl was normal, right? Did girls have crushes on the same gender? I understood the LGBT community were fighting their right to marry each other but in this town, I never met someone who had a crush on the same gender. What if liking this nameless girl was...wrong?

My brother's heavy footsteps snapped me out of my thoughts as he dragged four trashbags after him. He gave me a glance before slipping out of the back door for a few minutes to throw the bags away only to return with an exaggerating panting.

I rolled my eyes, drinking my milk.

"Sorry if the party was loud," he smirked, taking out a beer from the fridge.

"It was bearable. Anyway, who was the party for?"

Suddenly, his smirk vanished replaced by a thin line. His brown eyes hardened as he took a large gulp of his beer, leaning back against the counter. His body looked tensed and the way his eyes were glued on the wall across from him, he didn't want to talk about it. Did this person miss the party? Ivan was never the one to hold grudges so what made him look this way?

Before I could ask anything, he went to the sink and drained his beer as if he lost his thirst to drink it. "Like I said, Mabel, I gotta keep you away from that scene," and with that, he left the kitchen, leaving me dumbfounded.


"I'm not really in the mood for shopping, Shirley!" I whined, dragging my feet as I scowled at the town's plaza filled with outlets and restaurants.

Being Saturday, the plaza was filled with people who had the need to spend all their money on clothes, useless accessories, and only once to be worn shoes. Many teenagers from school flitted the stores mostly giggling girls who kept sneaking glances at a group of guys near the Ivan's skate shop. This group of guys hardly fitted in this scene and practically the whole town. These guys looked frighteningly intimidating with the way they were dressed to their tattoos inking their skin. All of them were bald; more skinheads in town. The tallest guy who was more muscular yet slim casually sat on the hood of an old Cadillac Classic, taking a long drag from his cigarette while the others waited patiently, their gazes stared intently at the people in the skate shop.

"What are you staring at?" Shirley's voice slithered into my ears.

My head snapped to her direction before I reverted my gaze back to the group of guys. "Have you seen them before?" I asked, nodding my head at the guys.

Shirley shrugged, carelessly, "I don't know. There's too many people to remember easily, Mabel. I don't have a photographic memory ya know."

I rolled my eyes and quickly followed her into a store where they mostly sold jewelry and accessories. Sadly, I wandered around the store, nothing catching my eye. But since Shirley called me in the morning insisting me to go with her shopping for 'school,' I had to go. Shirley would do anything to drag me out of my house and out of my room and make me suffer and this was my torture she loved to bring me: Shopping. But I was kind of thankful in a way she took me out of my house. Ivan still had that hard expression each time I saw him.

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