First Day...

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     A short summary about your life, you used it live in Connecticut but one of your moms (you have lesbian parents) got a acting job and you moved during the summer with your twin sister Bella and your moms to a house in highland park CA. And you had to go to high school. You and your sister are both sophomores. Hope that helps a bit❤️

                                Your POV

     "Hey bella!!" I screamed from my room down the hall.
     "Whhhaaaaatttt!?!" She groaned from her room in her bed, eyes half open. I walked into her room and grabbed her arm and started pulling her off the bed bringing the covers with her.
     "Open house of high school!!!" I grinned as she glared, "get up... now." She closed her eyes and tried going back to sleep as her head and shoulders are resting on the carpeted floor as her legs are draped over the side of the bed. I hopped back into my room and tried to get dressed.
    What to wear? I asked myself, hmmm... hopefully I leave a good impression for the teachers before the first day tomorrow.

                              Author's POV
     You end up putting on a cute white dress and curled your cute y/h/c hair. The dress has buttons going all the way down as you see below⬇️⬇️

 The dress has buttons going all the way down as you see below⬇️⬇️

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So cute😊 I want!!! Anyways back to the story...
     You also put on a cute pair of white Air Force 1's and headed downstairs, you could just smell the avocado toast sitting on the concrete countertops with all the seasonings and spices Mom #1 made. (One of your moms had you and the other had Bella in the same day. your Mom #1 is the one the birthed you her name is Stephany, your other mom, Mom #2 is named Carol.)
                                   Your POV
I start munching on my moms famous avocado toast, she really know how to cook.
"Hey, Mom" I began as she turned her head over to look at me and smiled.
"Yes?" She asked
"Do you like my dress? I mean like is it too much? Too little? I don't know." I asked standing up so she could see.
"Oh my god!!" He eyes lit up, " It's perfect!!" She couldn't stop smiling, "Your so grown up!" She walked over in front of me with only the counter in between to get a better look, "Do you know what Bella is wearing?"
"I have no idea, that's only if she actually gets up. She's probably going to wear her pajama..." I look over and hear some tapping in the banister, it was Bella. She was fully dressed wearing a full face of makeup and the same dress as me but in black.
"Pajamas, huh?" She said in a playfully insulted voice. She walked over and sat down in the empty stool to my right as my mom placed a plate of avocado toast in front of her.
"Wow!! You two look great!!" Mom #2 said from the hallway right of the kitchen that leads down to the laundry room at the end as she comes out holding a basket of laundry. "So grown up!!" She shouted.
"I know!! That's what I said!" Mom #1 looked at me and Bella, "And look! They shared a little twin telepathy moment wearing practically the same dress!!!" She clapped her hands together.
"Aww they are just soo cute!!!" Bella grew a disgusted look on her face.
"FUCK!!! Why did you wear the same thing as me again!?!?" She slouched and crossed her arms.
"I don't know!!!" I said frantically, "I had no idea what you were wearing!! Why did you wear the same thing as me????" I yelled back.
                               Authors POV
At this point both of your moms burst out laughing clutching their stomachs as you looked away from Bella and crossed your arms. After two seconds you couldn't even hold it in anymore and all of you including Bella started laughing.
You and Bella finished your avocado toast and started touching up. Bella added some extra eyeliner as you added a small necklace along with a couple rings and some lip gloss with mascara. Both of you walk back down stairs as your moms called both of you back over to the counter.
"So you guys..." Mom #2 started, " We won't be able to come to open house with you two today." She looked over at Mom #1.
"It's okay though, we will drop you guys off at the bus stop. We believe you guys are mature enough to go about your own, you guys are sophomores now." She looked at Bella then you.
"Aww... that's too bad, we'll miss you guys and we are really sad you can't come with us." You said, Bella looked over with a disgusted look on her face. She loves her freedom and was really happy your moms won't be going, you were too but just didn't want your moms to suspect anything. Mom #1 doesn't mess around with any funny business.
Your POV
"Well, I think we should start going, don't want to be late." I said braking the bitter silence of Bella's scary stare. We all started to pack into my mom's car and turn up the radio. Nothing good, I switch to Spotify and put on Billie Eilish.
I love Billie Eilish!! She is soo amazing!! She has the beautiful looks, the cool ass style, and that voice!! Such and angel. I dream every night that I'll one day meet her. Whether I meet her through a meet and greet or by accident in public. She's so sweet and helped me through some difficult times.
I arrive at the bus stop and get on with Bella, we get to the high school. The bus drops me and Bella off and we head in to meet all of our teachers. While I was meeting mine I notice Bella outside in the hallway talking and laughing with some people, looks like she already made a couple friends. So much for first impressions, I haven't even made one yet.
She ended up deciding to leave with them and go over to their house, so I had to take the bus all by myself.
                         Author's POV
     You head down the block to where the bus had initially left you and Bella when arriving. You look at the time on your phone as your walking down and realized lots of time had passed. You swear it took to much less time to get to the school with Bella then to walk back by yourself. You walk over to a small bench in front of the stop. The bench had another girl on it facing to the side looking down at her phone. Her style was pretty cool and from the side she looked very familiar. She looks up and you realize it's........

Hey!! I really hope you like this story so far, can you guess who it is? I'm sorry billie wasn't in this one, it was mostly just a little background and was supposed to build up. I promise you billie will be in the next one.

Her foster puppies are so cute!!!!

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Her foster puppies are so cute!!!!

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