Kelsey rolls her eyes.

"But I could use your help", Brian said.

"What?", Kelsey asked.

"At this point he's going to be mad at Diamond for talking to me still", he said. "Perfect time for you to come in"

"But that would mess me up on getting close with Diamond so she wouldn't expect that I like him", she said.

"Yea but wasn't that for you to get closer to Kendrick?? I don't see how that plan is working when y'all don't even hang out outside of practice", Brian said.

"Yea but in order for me to get close to him I have to get close to her. I have to know her weaknesses and her secrets", she said. "Then use it against her"

"Well if you wont help me, I'll get somebody else", he said. "But I gotta go", he said as he left


Kendrick walks out the locker room.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you hit him?", Diamond asked.

"I told him to keep your name out his mouth", Kendrick said.

Diamond was confused because she was heading two different things.

"I thought I told you to stop talking to him", Kendrick said.

"I have", she said.

"Well it don't seem like it", he said. "Little bitty told me you was just talking to him. What? You thought Brian said something you don't want me to know about?", Kendrick asked.

"What are you referring to?", she asked. "Are you saying im doing something with him??"

"I don't know. He said he'll see you later so", he said.

"Kendrick I barely see him. And when I do it's at a party, game, or somewhere", she said.

Kendrick shakes his head.

"Like I told you before I would never cheat on you", Diamond said. "You can't let your insecurities, take over"

Kendrick sighs. "Why were you talking to him?", he asked.

"I wanted to know what he said to you for you to hit him", she said. "That's all"

Kendrick nods. "Diamond... I love you... I really really love you and like I said I don't use those words all the time.. rarely. And because I love you I don't wanna hold you back"

"Kendrick why would you hold me back?", Diamond asked.

"Because you deserve somebody so much better", he said. "I'm not the one for you"

"Kendrick", Diamond said. "What is wrong with you? What did he say to you?"

"The truth. Something I've been feeling for a while", he said.

Diamond shakes her head. "I've lost my mom sophomore year, my dad my junior year and you're telling me I'm about to loose you my senior year too", she asked.

"I just need time to myself. So much shit has been happening between Kennedy and the baby, my full ride being gone, -"

"Gone?", Diamond asked.

"Not all the way gone but imma have to start paying some of if now", he said "cause of what I just did and my parents well they're pissed because I'm taking care of a kid that's not even mine so I don't even know if they'll help me or not. And then you..."

"What about me?", Diamond asked.

"...I just don't know.. it's like everytime we're doing good something always happens", he said. "I feel like that's God telling me that I need to let you go and have the guy you deserve"

"I know you're not used to this but I'm relationship it's not always happy times, things happen, it's not perfect.", she said. "We argue, okay everybody does that. Moral to the story is things happen Ken"

Kendrick sat down in a chair and looked down. "So, answer me this... why'd you take me back? What makes me so special? You knew what type of dude I was before we got together and then when we did and I cheated on you still took me back... why?", he asked.

Diamond was silent for a moment. "...I honestly don't know... a part of me felt like if I take you back now that'll happen again but anything part was begging me to take you back", she said. "I guess I got annoyed and wanted that part to shut up and took you back", she said as she chuckled.

Kendrick chuckled a little.

"But I'll say this I didn't make a mistake because you make me happy", Diamond said as she sat on his lap. "And I can never give up having your cooking. You know the food you make and put it in a restaurant takeout tray, along with the restaurant bag?", she said with a smile.

Kendrick smiles. "Yea my one of a kind dishes", he said.

Diamond chuckles. "Yes that just so happens to take like it came from those restaurants but I'm not judging"

Kendrick smiles and looks at her. "Now I see why I love you", he said. "You always know what to say"

Diamond smiles.

Kendrick pokes his lips out for a kiss.

Diamond leans in and starts kissing him.

Kelsey was watching from a distance and turned around and left. She texted Brian on her way out.

Kelsey; fine I'll help you but I my own plan in mind.


Bed of Lies : BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now