I get up and look around for my shoes.

"Hey, hey, hey, hold on, wait a second. Just where do you think you're going?".

"To find my sister and bring her back from that awful place".

"Now calm down for a minute. I don't think that'll be a very smart move honey".

"Keana, how can you say that? I don't think any person would like nor deserves to relive their death experience. It's horrifying!".

"Oh so you get two arrows inside of you and suddenly you become a death expert? Kill me" Keana says rolling her eyes.

I ignore her and find a foot. I look around for the other one.

" Xander, you do realise you're going to a graveyard, right?".

"Absolutely! Now where is that shoe?!" I groan.

"Don't you see what I'm trying to tell you not to do?".

I sigh and look at her.

"What are you saying Keana?".

"First of all, you didn't even know you had a sister who died at age four. You didn't know she existed. How can you tell where she was buried then? Besides you see ghosts too and if any other ghost realizes you can communicate with them, it is not going to be pretty".

"They kept it from me for 18 freaking years Keana. And point of correction, she was murdered... she did not decide to just die on her own. And where she was buried, easy. My GPS and a quick visit to the Colorado Death Registry Office ought to do the trick. And for the ghosts, I'll just visit the church and get some holy water".

I go back to looking for my other shoe.

"We're talking ghosts Alexis, not vampires".

"Then I'll take a ghost hunter along with me, won't I?".

Keana sighs.

"A recipe for disaster" she mutters.

"There it is!" I groan in relief.

I grab it and slip it on.

"Alexis honey are you in there?" .


I groan.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!".

"You know saying 'no' repeatedly doesn't make your current dilemma magically disappear, right?".

I gasp.

"That's it Kee! You're a genius!".

"I am?" she asks raising a brow. "I mean of course I am" she laughs, answering her own question.

"Quick, poof us out of here!" I say.

"Pardon me?".

"Go on. Do your magic...".

"Alexandra honey? Are you in there? We're coming up".

"Hurry!" I whisper.

Keana laughs.

"In case you hit your head somewhere or never watched accurate cartoons... with all the money you guys have, witches don't go 'POOF!'; genies and fairies do. We don't make sounds. Plus I'm dead Alexis. I can't do magic".

I stare at her.

"But Keana...".

There's a knock.

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant