Breaking the fatal flaw...

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Joseph's pov after the fight

Urgh I'm supposed to be the strongest not him. I thought while walking to the Poseidon cabin. I had a way to destroy him once and for all but 1st I needed a piece of paper and a pen. After 10 minutes of trying to find a pen and paper. I sat down and jotted all the defence's and main points of camp half-blood then wrote. ALL INFO GO TO THE TITANS. Percy Jackson. I stuffed it under his bed and went to sleep. When I woke he was gone so I grabbed the piece of paper and put it in my pocket and waited until tomorrow. The next morning everybody but Percy was awake so i quickly grabbed the whole camp and waited until he awoke...

Percy's Pov

2 days since I beat Joseph in a spar. I got dressed and opened the door to find a sight worse than 1000000 Kronos's. A mob of angry campers. The first word uttered was "Traitor" and it was directed at me.. and even worse Chiron said it. "what is happening?" I was utterly confused on what was going on. That's when Joseph spoke. "I found this under your bed last night with all the defence and important bits of camp." shocking me. "My goddamn Fatal Flaw IS LOYALTY"I roared with anger. "YOU ALL KNOW I'M INCAPABLE OF BETRAYING YOU." I screamed. Ok what was going on everybody was looking at me with anger and/or pity. "Joseph what is your Fatal Flaw then?" I questioned. his smug expression turned to anxiety then rage then smug. "My fatal flaw is lying" lied Joseph (he's lying to get everybody on his side as his fatal flaw is theft.). "You're no longer welcome here." stated Annabeth shattering my heart. I packed all my bags and left but before I did I had a few words. "Next time there's a war Your 'hero of olympus' won't be there to save you. I hereby swear on the river Styx to wage war with olympus." Thunder boomed after I said those words and I walked out. Not wanting to see that place ever again.

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