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Percy's Pov

There on top of the kid's head was an image of a.a.a Trident, The mark of a son of Poseidon and instantly everybody dropped down on their knees. I didn't until Annabeth jumped on me (not figuratively literally she just came out of nowhere and knocked me to my knee) Then Chiron said "All hail??" "my name's Joseph Green" interrupted Joseph. "All hail Joseph Green, Son of the Earthshaker,Stormbringer,Father of Horses, SON OF THE WATER GOD POSEIDON". This demigod was my half brother! My day was going terrible.

Joseph's Pov

I had to resist the urge to say "BOW DOWN TO ME YOU PEASANTS" as it would result in a catastrophe which i'll call' my death'. Percy was reluctant to kneel to his new king. So to settle who is the best I did this. "Percy Jackson I hereby Challenge to a spar, Maiming is allowed but no killing as much as i'd like to." I challenged and to my surprise and the rest of the camp he replied "Fine 6:00 Pm tomorrow" and then straight up walked off and did nothing for the rest of the day. I noticed he was followed by Annabeth,Nico,Thalia and the 7 from the last prophecy oh and Grover.

Annabeth's Pov

We followed Percy to where he sat at the canoe. I couldn't believe the stupidity of Joseph. Oh well at least Percy can Maim him.

Tomorrow at 5:45 pm.

Percy's Pov

I stood at the arena. waiting like I did with the Minotaur 14.5 minutes later Joseph arrived. He had an imperial gold sword and imperial gold armour. whilst i had No armour and a celestial bronze sword. I was ready to show him the taste of his own blood. Before the fight started I IM'd the Gods to see what would happen and by their faces only 1 or 2 put their faith in me. "BEGIN" bellows Chiron and Joseph being the rookie he charged. Mistake number 1. I sidestepped and remembering the move Luke had taught me, I disarmed him. He then took his eyes off me and ran to his sword. Mistake number 2. While he was running, I stabbed him and drew first blood through his armour. He howled in pain. Mistake number 3. "Never show weakness in a fight." I said then kicked him in the chest and held him at sword point. "F-F-Fine you win Jackson but this will be the only time you win." He said angrily. He grabbed his sword and stormed away.

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