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Nessa's Point of View-18 Months Ago

London in the height of summer is comparable to an oven, especially during a heatwave. At least I finished work early today. I decide to have a quick shower, throw on my sexiest lingerie and pop into a local bakery and grab a birthday cake. It's my fiancé Oliver's birthday tomorrow and I was supposed to be working late tonight. But a client cancelled at the last minute and I have decided to surprise Ollie and get his party started early.

I jump on the Tube, its rush hour and packed. By the time I arrive at Oliver's apartment I am sweaty and frazzled. I manage to check myself out and fix my hair in a passing window before I let myself into the building, with a key he gave me. I climb the stairs, up 2 floors and quietly unlock the door and step in.

I put my handbag and the cake down quietly on the kitchen counter. I can hear noises coming from the bedroom, Ollie must be watching TV. I walk down the passage, slowly unbuttoning my dress and silently push the bedroom door open. But the minute I do, I am met with a sight that makes my stomach drop and fills me with a feeling of complete horror. My best friend Emma is on top of Oliver and is loudly riding him.

I instinctively scream "What the fuck?".

They both quickly look towards the door and I see recognition flash across their faces, followed by a look of pure dismay as they realise, I have just caught them fucking each other senseless.

Oliver tries to jump up while saying "Ness, what are you doing here? I thought you were working. This isn't what it looks like babe".

But I can't listen, I feel like I am going to throw up.  I need to get out of here. I manage to button my dress up, grab my handbag with shaking hands and push my way blindly through the door and down the stairs onto the street. A few minutes is all it took for my whole world to come crashing down around me, and for my heart to be broken.

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