Chapter 2

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[Astrid's P.O.V]

It's been a day since I read the Revelation Scroll, and so far, nothing has happened. No magical curse. No Four Horsemen. Nothing. Nadda.

After the commotion in my house, we waited if there was anything going to happen. Like a magical fairy or dwarf popping up in a ball of pink smoke. But nope. We waited for hours, and eventually, we got tired. The rest went to their respective homes. I gave Finley the Revelation Scroll, so that he could conduct more research onto it.

Right now, I lay down on the roof of my house, my legs dangling over the edge as I watched the night sky. The stars sparkled brightly across the darkness like glitter on paper.

I can't believe that we've been changing a hoax this entire time. But still, the strange prophecy. The glowing words. It doesn't look like a hoax to me. Plus, it said night's eve. Maybe it meant Christmas Eve or something. But that's months away and I'm not known to be a very patient person.

I fiddled my fingers with the collar of my shirt, staring straight at the sky.

Man, my life's boring...

Stuck in a boring job that I never liked. Who wants to be glued stuck on a desk? I'm an athlete, for Christ's sake! I should be a professional lacrosse player by now but no. My mom wanted be to have a stable job so that I could support my future family.

Well, look at me now! Twenty-six and single. I haven't dated anyone since highschool and all of them were assholes who only wanted to get into my pants. I mean, can't someone appreciate me for... me?

I let out a groan, placing my arm over my eyes.

"Can't my life just give me a chance to start over?" I muttered to the stars, but I doubt they heard me.

But then, a miracle happened. Someone did reply to me. Except it wasn't the stars.

'Do you want to?'

I immediately sat up, my eyes wide as dinner plates.

"Who's there?" I asked out loud.

When no one answered, I thought my brain was playing tricks with me. I narrowed my eyes out in the open, glaring at no one in particular.

"Tucker, if that's you, I'll kill you so bad that you want to die." I growled.

'You know, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.'

"I knew it! Tucker, come out!" I snapped.

'Who's Tucker?' The voice genuinely sounded confused, and I swear my brain was going to explode from all the crazy moments in my life. I press my hands between my temples, rubbing it in circles.

"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered.

'Listen, are you the one who read the scroll?'

"Uhh, yeah?"

'Well, I'm here to tell you that it worked. Hooray."

My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. I mean, how do you process all of this?

'Hey, you still there? Hello... Earth to the random human...'

My brain began functioning again, as I stumble on my words.

"I- y- yeah..." I spluttered. "S- so, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

The voice was silent for a few seconds, as if it was thinking about whether he should introduce himself or not. And I know it's a guy judging from the voice. Deep and nasally, but there's a slight childish tone to it.

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