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I woke up with a cough, water spluttering from my lips, I looked around to see nothing, it was all pitch black, there were no outlined shapes...nothing! Why is everything so dark!

"Help!" I screamed into the black abyss, I had a feeling I was moving upward, the floor has small holes in it and a wall beside and behind me which suggested I was in a metal box, the one thing going through my mind was: why is everything so dark?

Suddenly there was jolt and I sensed everything stopped moving, I heard a siren and looked around as doors opened, it was still pitch black. Why is everything so dark?! And maybe another one...Wheres Thomas.

I started to panic, "It's a girl!" I heard a shout and then the supposed box had shaken suggesting someone was in it, I put my hands out finding a torso and I scrunched my eyes in confusion as I heard a chuckle. "Have you never seen a boy before?" I heard chorused laughs.

"I can't see you." I said with sadness in my voice and then it switched to panic, "I can't see anything!" I screamed backing up and scared, finally realising I was sent to this mystery place blind.


The girl backed herself against the box while tears ran down her cheeks as she hyperventilated, she was muttering things under her breath, Newt stepped forward and touched her shoulder telling her he was close and she jumped.

"Oh my god," she breathed out, as he realised she came to some realisation, "I'm blind." Newts eyes widened and he picked her up and she squirmed.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said lightly, his accent quite prominent, a rope got thrown down. Once up on the surface she clung to Newts arm and some of the boys laughed and moved closer.

"Look at her, she's terrified," Frypan said wittily, Newt rolled his eyes at his friend and glared at the boys.

"I would be too if I was sent into a strange place shucking blind." The blond snapped at the dark skinned boy, all their eyes widened in sympathy for the girl who was looking around in all directions, trying to find out where the voices were coming from.

"I-I need to sit down, where am I? Who are you? Who am I? OH MY GOD!" She screamed and they all jumped as she did, "I DON'T KNOW MY FUCKING NAME!" All the boys seemed stressed as she continued to hyperventilate. Then she started to cry and this alarmed Newt and he picked her up and set her on a bench.

She moved her hands around the surface trying to decipher what it was, "It's a bench," he told the new, blind, girl. She nodded and felt around for him and he grabbed her hand telling her he was in front of her.


I searched for the boys body and then I felt him grab my hand and it hit his chest and I nodded realising he was in front of me. "What's your name?" I asked him, hoping that familiar accent would say something.

"Newt, what about yours?" The accented boy, Newt, asked. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I searched my mind for a name and then it hit me, so quickly and harshly I gasped.

"Layla, my names Layla," then there was a new voice that made me jump and look around, snapping my neck in all directions harshly.

"So the greenies a girl, what she doin'" the deep voice asked and I heard Newt sigh. I felt around for him but he wasn't there and I started to panic as I heard his voice fade away in the distant. He left me on the bench...alone...and blind. That fucking dickhead.


After Alby had walked away with Newt the Runners ran in and saw the new freebie and smirked and walked up to the girl which made their eyes widen. "Well, well, well." Suddenly the girl screamed and fell off the bench and sat up looking around. Newt ran over guiltily.

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