Chapter 10: Now you know me

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             Abhi and Pragya looked at each other, not knowing how to move forward. Abhi wanted to speak up but Pragya shook her finger to indicate that this wasn't the right time as Purabh and Bulbul were also there.Purabh and Bulbul exchanged confused looks. Pragya shrugged it off and assured  them that they didn't have to worry but the awkwardness was ever present. Both of them couldn't sleep a wink that night. Pragya had a difficult time grasping the fact that Abhishek and A were the same. Abhi on the other hand expected that Ladaki would be something like Pragya but he hadn't expected to see her so soon.
      The next morning Bulbul and Purabh had left promising both of them that they'll be back by noon. As their arrival was so last minute they hadn't got a chance to apply for leave in their respective offices. Pragya and Abhi both sat in front of the T.V in awkward silence.
"Listen Pragya" started Abhi and looked at Pragya intently. Pragya nodded and asked him to continue although she avoided looking into his eyes.
"We have a lot of things to talk about. We should go out for a while." Pragya looked deep in thought and Abhi sat there waiting for her to reply. After a moment she said,
"Are you forgetting Abhishek that you're a celebrity. We won't be able to talk in peace."
Abhi seemed to think for a while,took out his phone and excused himself.Pragya assumed he must have stepped out.He came inside and told Pragya,
"We can visit my friend's resort. It's private. It's perfect.So what say?" Pragya looked at him thoughtfully. Was she truly ready for this conversation?  But she had no other choice. Now or never. Before they knew it both of them were in a private resort of a friend of Abhishek's, strolling through a garden that had been meticulously maintained. Even though there was uncertainty and Pragya felt tense,the fragrance of the flowers calmed her. For a while both of them just talked about things that really didn't matter. And it was perfect. Pragya glanced at him as he was speaking about his Dadi. His eyes sparkled,it didn't take a genius to figure out that he loved his Dadi to death. But Pragya also knew that she had to remove the blanket of comfort that she insisted they put on themselves. She nervously broached the topic that she knew Abhishek so wished to talk about. But what would be the best way to go about it ?
"Well you're one lucky man. You wanted to meet me and fate made sure you did.Looks like fate is on your side." Said Pragya and mock glared at him. He chuckled and Pragya for s fleeting second realised why people were crazy about him,because he was darn cute.
"True. But fate only conspires to fulfill someone's wish if they wish for it. You wanted to meet me too. Don't deny it."
Pragya looked at him and gave him a sheepish smile. She would be lying if she denied it and her mother didn't raise a liar. He smiled right back at her.
"Well I was afraid that you would be some 60 year old guy." Quipped Pragya. Abhi looked at her with disbelief.
"So you mean to say I talk like a 60 year old." Pragya smirked at him. Getting a raise out of him was almost too easy. Abhi decided to get back at her.
"Well you're exactly the way I imagined you to be. Chashmish." Pragya felt anger rising within her she never did like the name.But looking into his eyes she knew he didn't mean it that way but she decided to tease him anyway. Abhi grinned at her. She stuck her tongue out.
"Very funny." Pragya huffed and walked ahead of him.
"Aree sorry Ladaki. We just met. I don't want to fight." Pragya still glared at him. He held his ears. And all Pragya could think about was that no one should have to right to look so adorable. Unbeknownst to her Abhi was thinking along those lines too. He couldn't help but smile when she huffed in anger and kept her hands on her hips. And when she finally forgave him with a shy smile and a blush creeping up her skin he didn't know why he felt like something was threatening to burst from inside.  Pragya and Abhi continued walking both visibly happy. Now they were friends in every sense not just virtual buddies. To Pragya the whole thing felt like being transported to her teenage years,an experience she missed out on as she was too engrossed in her books and writing. For Abhi it was a moment of quiet in his ever chaotic world that he very much liked so. That night both of them returned home giggling trying to one up each other in a game of cheesy one liners.
"You can't beat me Rockstar! I have read too many romantic novels and I am not afraid to admit it." Said Pragya with evident pride. Abhi asked her then why wasn't  she ready to admit that she read romance novels just this afternoon. Pragya stuck her tongue out,challenging him.
"I have dated too many girls to know my own share of cheesy lines. You're gonna lose Ladaki." Both of them playfully glared and stepped in to find Purabh and Bulbul sitting on the couch looking very anxious.
Bulbul got up quickly and hugged Pragya.
"Where were you both?" Asked Purabh. Abhi replied that they had stepped out for awhile and had forgotten to inform them and apologised to the both of them.
"At least one of you informed me that you're going out." Said Bulbul. Abhi looked surprised and realised that it was probably Pragya. He glanced at her and gave her a thumbs up. Bulbul looked at them with interest. She had caught on that something was brewing between the two. Both of them retired to their bedrooms with a smile that reached their eyes. Bulbul quickly pulled her husband aside.
"Oh my god did you just see that!" Purabh looked confused and asked her what she was referring to you.
"Honestly you're so daft. What did I expect? It took you months to ask me out even though you knew I liked you." Purabh looked at her,mock offended. She slapped his hand.
"My Di likes Abhi Bhai. And I think he likes her right back!" Purabh looked at her unsure about her deduction. But thinking back to their previous encounters,and if the secretive glances and smiles were anything to go by, he concluded that his wife probably was right.
"So we're gonna help them get together!", Bulbul said excitedly it was a wonder she hadn't started jumping. Purabh quickly put his hand to her mouth to stop her from squealing.
"No Bulbul you won't do anything. I know Bhai and I have some understanding of Pragya Di. Your intervention will only tend to drift them apart." Bulbul pouted but agreed that her husband was right.
   The following week Pragya prepared to leave. Abhi had a flight later that night. Pragya hugged Bulbul and bid goodbye to Purabh. Bulbul and Purabh made some excuse to leave them alone. Abhi smiled as Pragya looked up at him questioningly.
"So you won't delete your number,change states? Huh we sure about that?" Pragya looked up at him with exasperation. As soon as both of them had found out they were from Mumbai. Abhishek was very excited. But he remembered how reluctant she was to meet him and never let any opportunity to tease her, slip.
"Are we sure that Abhi the Rockstar will have time for boring old Professor Pragya?" Pragya countered with a taunt of her known.
"Well now that I think about it, I probably won't. So many girls are waiting for me to take them out on a date.So I'll have to check my schedule." Pragya rolled her eyes and slapped his arm
"Such a playboy!" Abhi mock glared at her and rubbed his arm. Damn she packs a mean punch! Thought Abhi. Then Abhi proceeded to hug her while she stretched out her hand. Awkward. Abhi shook hands with her and smiled for her benefit but boy was he disappointed!
Both Abhi and Pragya kept in touch with each other,through texts of course.They hadn't gotten a chance to meet each other since their arrival in Mumbai.

Ladaki meet me at Four Seasons at 7.
Pragya felt nervousness creep in her. Four Seasons? It was a very posh hotel. She would stick out like a sore thumb. She wouldn't be able to afford the cheapest thing on their menu. She could! But it would be a waste of her carefully saved money that she she had set aside for her mother's medical emergency. She wanted to meet Abhishek. But she should have known it would be impossible. As he was a celebrity.
I'm sorry Abhishek. I can't make it. I have to attend a friend's wedding.
Pragya waited for his reply but he never replied. Maybe she had pissed him off. But Pragya had no other option. Finally at night he messaged her.
You're lying Ladaki. You're free tomorrow.

You don't know that.

I do. I asked Bulbul.
Pragya hadn't anticipated that. Since returning from Delhi. Pragya and Bulbul talked to each other at least once every two days. If Abhishek hadn't been angry before she knew he would be now. Well that's a disaster.
So I was right in thinking you wouldn't want to meet me.

No Abhishek. You have got it all wrong. Four seasons is not the kind of place I'm not used to! There happy!

So what? You're not alone I'll be with you.

Abhishek you won't get it.

Well if you checked the 'Rags to riches story of Rockstar Abhi' on times magazine you would know!

Well. It's different for me.

Okay tell me your address.

What? No. Are you crazy? You'll be mobbed here.

Relax. I am just sending my car to your place.

And what would I tell my mother?

That you have a date with Rockstar Abhi.
Date? What did he mean by date? Like a date date or friend date. Pragya was reluctant to ask him though. She didn't want to come off as pretentious. She could imagine the look on people's faces,if Abhi's BMW showed up in front of her house. Already people were talking behind her backs about her failed alliances. This would just be icing to the cake.
I want to meet you tomorrow. Four Seasons is not that bad. I'll make sure we get a private table and we'll use the back entry. Okay? You don't have to worry about anything.

Abhishek. You know I can't.

Okay then I'll send my car to your place.

No! Okay I'll come.
Pragya didn't doubt him for a second. She knew he would do it. Abhishek texted her some details about where the car will pick her up. But Pragya had more pressing issues. What would she even wear? She was pretty sure her wardrobe didn't have the kinda attire that would be appropriate for a five star hotel. A saree would be too formal. Now that she thought about it the right kind of saree could work. She called her sister. She was the fashionista of the Arora house after all.
     Bulbul had convinced Pragya to go to a shop to buy a dress,Pragya spent most of her money on either her mom's health or books. So she never brought extravagant clothes. But she thought maybe she should have one for emergencies. Bulbul through a video call had helped her select the most beautiful black anarkali with a beautiful golden border and neckline. She paired the whole look with her favourite golden jhumkas and borrowed heels from Purvi. She even applied light makeup,which she never did! She had to admit she looked good. So much for that confidence! Because as soon as Abhishek's car pulled up near Four Seasons her heart started to hammer in her chest. The chauffer came near the car door to open it for her and Pragya felt very awkward as she was not used to this. She stepped out and thanked the chauffer. She took out her phone since she couldn't spot Abhishek anywhere. As she was not used heels,Pragya slipped and all she could think about was that she was going to make a fool of herself. As she prepared to meet her fall or rather her humiliation she felt some one catch her,she opened her eyes to find-

A/N: This chapter is not proofread please do let me know if there are any mistakes. For all those people who commented and voted on the previous part, I can't thank you enough. Your encouragement means the world to me! Hope their meeting didn't disappoint..!

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