Chapter 7: Ghosts of Past

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       The next day Abhi found himself sitting with Aakash and Disha and looking at photos. Abhi didn't leave a single opportunity to tease and embarrass Aakash. Disha couldn't control her tears after all Abhi had a very a good sense of humour. All of that died down when Abhi came across a picture of him Aliya and Purabh. He stiffened. Disha hadn't noticed the change in the room and was laughing away. Aakash looked at Abhi with wary. Abhi suddenly got up and excused himself. Abhi went to his music room and started singing. During that time he thought about Purabh. He had made his peace with Aliya's death. But he won't be completely at peace until he reconciled his friendship with Purabh.But a small voice reminded him that he was the reason his baby sister was no more. Abhi felt that he needed another perspective. Someone who would look at it with an objective mind. But he wasn't sure whom to turn to. He immediately thought of P. The truth was in the past few days he had avoided thinking about her. The way she worried about his health and gave him home remedies, made him feel something that he couldn't explain in words. Since he did not have the courage to read into his feelings, he had avoided excessively texting her. His phone chimed. As usual, she sent him a quote. He forgot all about Purabh.This was so unfair,she was always sending him quotes. An idea struck him. He smiled wickedly.He texted her.

You should listen to the Rockstar's songs. Now that you admitted he is a good singer.

Oh please! I just liked that one song.

I have to read your quotes every single day. It's only fair you do something of my liking too.

How about this I will listen to the Rockstar's songs and you will read a book of my choice.

You drive a hard bargain!

Take it or leave it!

Fine a book of your choice and a song of mine. You have to listen to Happy Love.

Done. What genre would you like?

Any musician's biography perhaps? Or something funny.

How about Joy in the morning by PG Wodehouse. It has humour. I think you'll like it.

Okay I will read it.😒

No need to make that face Rockstar!

Abhi's heart lurched in his throat. How did she know he was Abhi the Rockstar. Were the days of him talking to her openly over? Will she become like one of his fan girls.Don't get him wrong he loved his fans but he couldn't exactly talk so freely with them.But then Abhi mentally slapped himself for thinking that. Ladaki was not like that. He knew that for sure.

Yeah since your such a big fan of the Rockstar!

I like it😉

What do you mean you like it? I'm so bad at this of course anyone would love to be called Rockstar.* Facepalm*


I'm glad you're amused.

Uh-huh 🤣


Uh what?

I know I'm good looking. But Tota is a word used for girls not guys!

Uffo not Punjabi wala Tota. Tota-Parrot!

I.. Parrot?

Since you keep singing praises of Abhi on repeat.  I'm going to call you Tota. 


Wiped that smirk didn't I?😏

Damn isn't she feisty! Thought Abhi. Talking to her always had a calming effect on him. For a moment he felt like the Abhi he was before tragedy struck him. What is happening to me? Do I like her?Abhi wondered for the umpteenth time.
Pragya was talking to her mother's best friend when they lived in Punjab. Just then Jasprit Aunty asked her mother
"Sarla how is our ladli Bulbul?" 
All the colour drained from Pragya's face. She looked at her mother fearing her reaction. Since Aunty hadn't seen them in recent years, she didn't know. Her mom told Harpreet Aunty that she is married now and swiftly changed the topic. Pragya went in to bring some snacks for Aunty. When she returned Aunty made her sit next to her.
"So tell me Pragya when are you planning on getting married?" Pragya expected that she would have immediately thought about her failed alliances but instead she was surprised that the first thought that came to her mind was A . Pragya shook herself of such silly thoughts. He could be an old man for all she knew. She told Aunty that she was thinking about it.
It had been a few days since she had talked to Bulbul. But Pragya wanted to see her sister. It had been three years since she last saw her. But she feared her Ma. She needed to talk to someone. Pragya didn't know why she felt like texting A. How could he possibly have the solution to her problem?How would she even broach the topic in the first place? Then again he was her only option.She felt stupid for even thinking about. Out of impulse she texted him.
At the same time A texted her.
I need to get something off my chest.

I need your advice

You first

Ladies first.

How about this we both text the thing we want to share at the same time?

Okay done.

Pragya thought about what she had to tell him. But she couldn't understand how in such a short span of time A had become her confidante. In many ways,he was the best friend she never had and also the annoying brother of your friend whom you pretend to not tolerate even though you find his antics adorable. She couldn't explain what she felt for him in words. It was quite confusing and so she never delved deep to analyse her feelings.
She brought her wandering mind back to the task at hand.

How do you reconcile your relation with someone who you haven't talked to in years but miss them every single day?

How do you mend your relation with a person who still talks to you but you failed to support them at the time of their need.

As Pragya read both the texts she realised that their problems were quite similar. And maybe they both were looking for the same solution but just wanted to hear it from the other to assure themselves that it was the right decision.
Just then A texted her.

Sometimes talking in person does the job you know? You just have to try.

You're right. The same thing applies to you as well.

Yeah it does.

So we both know what he have to do.

We do. We need to confront our respective pasts, eh?

Aye Captain!

Let me know if there are any mistakes! I would love to know your thoughts. As for a double update... I might give one soon... It's just a little difficult now.
A big shout out to all the people who comment and vote... It means a lot to me. Thank you♥️

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