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We ran down the halls of Seireitei, getting as far as possible on the quickest route possible. I looked in front of us and slowed down as did Renji seeing Captain Tosen in front of us. "Captain Tosen, what's wrong?" Renji asked. "Please let me by, I'm in a hurry." Renji said.

"Something's wrong.." I thought, drawing my sword, stepping in front of Renji, facing Captain Tosen.

He let out a string of bandages that wrapped around the 4 of us. "What's going on?!" Renji asked looking around.

A bright light flashed and I covered my eyes, and I heard Renji coughing behind me. I felt the ground beneath my feet was different. My eyes quickly adjusted, and we were back on Sokyoku hill. "No way.." I muttered looking around, seeing no one was here.

"Welcome, Abarai-kun, Kuchiki-san." I took my eyes off of Captain Tosen and looked behind me seeing Captain Ichimaru and the undead Captain Aizen.

"What.. what's going on?" Renji asked quietly.

"Leave Kuchiki Rukia where she is and back away, both of you." Captain Aizen said smiling.

I heard footsteps and Captain Tosen moved from behind us to the side Captain Aizen and Ichimaru stood. "How odd, I was sure Im sure you heard me the first time. I said to leave Kuchiki Rukia where she is and back away." he repeated.

I suddenly felt a weird sensation in my head, "Connections complete." I heard the voice of Lieutenant Kotetsu Isane of Squad 4. "All court guards Squad Captains, Lieutenants, and seated officers, may I have your attention please, and also, the Ryoka. This is Squad 4 Lieutenant Kotetsu Isane, with an urgent message. Listen closely as the message will not be repeated. This is an emergency report from Captain Unohana regarding the traitors in our midst. As grim as the following facts are, what I'm about to tell you is the truth." She said and talked about how Captain Aizen faked his death, and was collaborating with Captains Tosen and Ichimaru, Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Hinamori's hospitalization, and the murder of order 46, and how they were at Sokyoku Hill.

"This is quite a troublesome thing." I sighed looking at the 3 Captains.

"What is?" Captain Aizen asked.

"I don't know which one of you I want to kill more.." I mumbled glaring at the 3 Captains. "Hurting your Lieutenant, betraying your friends and Squads, using them and their loyalty.." I said gripping Kyln more tightly in my hand.

"I refuse to let you have her." Renji said standing up, in front of Rukia.

"Very well." Captain Aizen said. I saw Captain.. I saw Gin reach for his sword, when Aizen told him not to, and began walking towards us. "You are both stubborn." he said walking towards us. "Since you won't let her go and leave as I ordered, I have no choice." he said to us. "But, I'll take your feelings into consideration, and I will let you have your way." he said drawing his sword. "She can stay in your arms, the rest of you goes." he said to Renji. He swung his sword, and I pushed Renji back and brought up my sword to block his attack. I sighed being pushed back a little, with my black kimono sleeve being ripped from his sword.

I smiled, looking at Aizen, "That was slow old man." I smirked. I did my best to not look at my arm, knowing that I should have an injury based on the force of impact I felt, but I had none, not even a scratch.

"Taunting me won't help. I hope you won't struggle for too long. It's difficult for me to control my power." he said smiling and I hated it.I glanced behind me to Renji, he was breathing a bit hard. He is injured but had been running a lot and is currently under a stressful situation, this is going to be hard keeping them both safe.

"I'll be fine." Renji-san said noticing my gaze on him. "Not wanting to kill us, yeah right! What about HInamori? You killed her in cold blood!" Renji yelled.

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