-Chapter 12- Yes.

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So this story hit 500 views yesterday.

That's pretty cool.

Actually it isn't its fricking incredible! Thank you so much to everyone who has read this story and given so much support! Ily all.

Anyway I've got my writing playlist on spotify playing and I'm ready to write! Lets get on with the story! Enjoy, and remember to slap that vote button for more :)

Chapter 12: Fae's POV

I woke up in a distant haze, still in shock from the happenings of yesterday. Jordan had kissed me. Jordan. Had. Kissed. Me. And I liked it?

I don't know. Did I like it?

I pushed away the more difficult thoughts and got up to go make breakfast.

I decided to make bacon and eggs again mostly because we had that yesterday and have got leftovers.

So I did the normal. Turn the grill on, put bacon in pan. Lada lada lada. I continued doing the normal stuff until I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I turned around and saw shirtless Jordan.

"Hey sleepy, how you feeling?" I asked with a amused expression as Jordan's hair was a mess.

"I'm fine," he took a step towards me. "I'd be better if someone answered a question I have wanted to ask for a long time..."

"Okay? Ask away!" I said with a smile.

"Fae Anne Winters. Will you be my girlfriend?"


I didn't think. I just ran to my room slammed the door and flopped on my bed. I lay there for ten minutes, thinking. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to think as I ended up sobbing into my pillow.

After laying there thinking for another ten minutes, I stood up and slowly walked out of my room to look for Jordan. He was in the kitchen. Standing by the counter with his head in his hands. As quietly as I could I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I felt his muscles tense for a second before they relaxed again - he knew it was me.

"I'm sorry I ran off like that." I whispered into his ear.

He didn't say anything, just turned around to look at me.

"I'm sorry I asked you all of a sudden." He said with a cheeky grin.

"I thought about it by the way." I said suddenly.


"Your question. I thought about it."

"Oh," he said with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "So whats your answer?"

"Yes." I replied almost in a whisper.

A/N whoop dee doop that's a chapter done! I had a little help from my co-worker Ele, we did a little swap where we wrote each others chapters and surprised each other, because we both had writers block and I must say I am very happy with what she has done so props to you Ele c:
Anyway go check out her story Robot Sparks it's really good (especially chapter 5 (the one I wrote lolololol)) and give it some love. But remember be sure to slap that vote button if you enjoyed this chapter and leave a comment on Ele's story saying I sent you if you do go check it out! Thank you beautiful people c ya in the next one ;) -Belle xox

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