-Chapter 1- The real first chapter.

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A/N Hey everyone this is the (proper) first chapter of my new xBayani Fanfic. The name is not definite so of any SMPeh fans have a good name DM me m;). I'd just like to say that this is not a pure fan fiction it will have information that is made up (I.e names stuff like that) and I might forget things so don't hate on me c:

And if you have no idea who/what the Cube is hop on YouTube and type in Graser10 and start watching episode 1 buddy that's how I started after it being recommended by Eleanor and I can't thank her enough :")

Anyway without further soppy thanks I hope you enjoy!

© All rights reserved

~ Belle xox

Chapter 1:

I walked up the steps of Seattle central college feeling a little nervous for the first time in my life. It was my decision to move to Seattle so that I could attend here and see what its like to live in a big city. Both my parents and family had supported me and given me some money to start out. Unfortunately I spent most of it buying the necessary things I needed for college and some computer gear so I could only just afford the apartment I currently live in with my wages from the gaming store down the road.

I stepped inside the college, my teal coloured satchel swinging from my shoulder as I traversed through the busy crowds of people. I made my way towards my first class, glancing discretely at a map of the school on my phone to make sure I was going the right way. I contemplated going into the room and I waited for a while them decided to enter. The room was empty except for one student and the teacher who looked baffled as I stepped in. "I hope you don't mind, I don't really have anything else to do and-"

"That's quite alright dear, choose your seat and settle in." The slightly elderly professor said, going back to her papers.

I took a seat on the fourth row just in front to the left of the lanky, brown haired boy with his fashionable Aztec bag on the table who was already here. I started to get my books out then accidentally dropped all my note papers out of my book. They showered onto the floor and I hurriedly went to pick them up, glancing behind me to see that unnamed person was stifling a laugh. I gathered up everything and sat doodling until another student walked into the room. He looked slightly flushed as if he'd been rushing around to find this class.

"Excuse me professor is this advanced computing?" He asked breathlessly.

"Yes. Take a seat" she said narrowing her eyes at him as he sat down on the fourth row to the left of me.

After a while the rest of the class filed in and we began the lesson. Jordan as I found out his name was, hadn't really talked much and when he did it was mostly about computer games. He seemed to be one of those guy gamers. Not my type. I thought.

The lesson ended and I packed up quickly, hoping not to make any human contact as I made my way to my next lesson.


Part 2: Lunchtime

I sat on a bench by myself just near the cafeteria. I'd become quite fond of Jordan, not in that way but he seems to be one of those middle popular people with a few close friends. I sat watching him out of the corner of my eyes as I ate my ready made 'meal deal' lunch I bought this morning, I'm too lazy to make anything and the kitchenette in my place is disgusting. Suddenly I saw his head jerk up slightly I looked away and naturally started blushing. Diverting my attention to the populars a few tables away from him that were goggling stupidly at the jocks near them. I turned my head slightly and checked to see if he was still looking at me. Luckily he'd stopped and I thought about it. It seemed like he wasn't looking at me their... almost like he knew where I was sitting and had been watching me before. No. I thought why would he be looking at me. Of all the girls in school.

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