-Chapter 3- Pool Partaaayy!

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A/N once again, I apologise for the abrupt ending of the last chapter. I just couldn't wait to write this one and my mind was full of ideas for this. So get ready its going to be double the size. Also I'm gonna be adding outfits to each chapter hopefully so yeah. Without further ado. ~ Belle xox

Chapter 3:

As soon as I got home i started to work on my outfit for tonight, I only had 3 hours to do makeup, hair and choose my outfit. I raked through my wardrobe to try and find something that was sexy but cute and not slutty.

I finally decided on a tight stripey cropped top, a black skater skirt and some heeled ankle boots. I got to work on thick smokey eye makeup and did my hair in a messy but cute sort of style. I added a gold bow necklace and a matching glittery purse.

Just as I was touching up on lipstick the Jordan rang my phone to signify he was outside, so I grabbed my bag and hurried out of my apartment.

I reached downstairs in a matter of minutes and saw Jordan in a car with two other guys who i didn't recognise. I got in the backseat next to him and Jordan introduced the guy in the passenger seat as Steve- one of his friends and the guy driving, who I presumed to be Jordan's other friend, who I'd seen with him at college, was called Dan.

We arrived at the house which was down a small windy road. It was a modern style house and I could see colourful lights through the expensive full wall windows and hear loud music coming from the garden.

"Your friend must be pretty well-known to be invited to a party like this!" I said to Jordan as we walked up the front path.

"Yeah. He's big in the movie industry" Jordan said as we reached the front door and pushed it open.

I was over-whelmed by the amount of people here. Most of them were couples and the few single people there were, were chatting up someone or dancing like nobody was watching.

"Want to get a drink?" Jordan shouted over the loud music and laughter that echoed everywhere we went.

I nodded a yes and we went over to the bar on one side of the room. The wall was full of different alcoholic drinks and in the end I asked for a gin and tonic, because it sounded the most fancy, and Jordan got a beer. The bar tender didn't ask for our age thank god and just handed our drinks smirking a little but we both knew that if we were caught drinking by someone we know, we would be in serious trouble so we drank up our drinks and headed out into the garden around half an hour later.
Outside was just as busy as indoors as there was a hot tub near the back and pool in the middle of the garden. A bunch of people were jumping in.

I remembered Jordan saying they had a pool and had put on waterproof makeup and was wearing my bikini under my outfit.

I peeled off my top and skirt which were already sweaty from being inside for half an hour and with a bunch of people staring, who I wanted to say that my eyes were up here to, I jumped into the pool.

It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be without heating but it was surprisingly refreshing. I beckoned for the dudes who were staring at me just before to jump in and a few of them hesitated before shouting YOLO and jumping in next to me.

I was surrounded by people and before I knew what was happening Jordan's friend Dan had swam up next to me carrying two bright pink drinks held above his head. I had to admit he was pretty hot, his blonde hair pasted on his forehead and his smouldering muscles being his main features.

"You want one?" He said over the noise.

"What's in it?" I asked. I may be drunk but I haven't lost all my senses. Yet.

"Pimms and some coloring. Nothing dangerous" he replied handing me the drink with a smile.
(Pimms is a British fruity alcoholic drink idk if they have them in America)
I took a sip and flavour exploded in my mouth. It really did taste just like Pimms with a bit more alcohol than I wanted but it was nice.

Jordan's P.O.V.

I walked past my Dan who was carrying two bright pink, most likely spiked, drinks. "Where's Fae. I can't find her" I said to him as he took a step into the pool.

"Dude she'll be fine. Have some fun!" He said lifting up the drinks and swimming away.

" I watched him swim up to an unsuspecting girl in the corner and hand her a drink. It took me a moment to realise that the girl he was making out with was Fae.

But just as I turned around my ex-girlfriend walked up to me and kissed me.

"Jess? What're you doing?" I asked pushing her off me and staring into her eyes.

"What do you think?" She said in a slurred voice. "I'm gonna make out with you." She said pushing me against the garage wall and throwing herself on me. I didn't know what was happening. My mind was creeping closer to Jess and my head was swimming as I started to kiss her back.

Suddenly it was like everything had stopped. I looked back to the corner where Dan and Fae were as Jess started kissing my neck in a drunk, wavering way. I couldn't see where they had gone and before I knew it, Jess had pulled my face back to hers and I was engulfed in kisses again.

A/N I hope you guys liked this chapter!! I wanted to start to add in different point of views so I added Jordan's to keep things interesting. If you liked the style of this chapter please favourite as it helps others to find my story. Anyway stay fantabulous ♥ -Belle xox

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