f i f t y - f i v e

Start from the beginning

"W-what?! Claude De Elger?  Are you being serious now?"Lucas nod again. Both of them start to panick.

"what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know? What should I do doggo?"ask lucas. He's out of breath. He can't calm. He can faint anytime right now.

"I wish I can help you bro but I'm not experienced enough to give you advice"said Ijikiel.


"your dad is calling doggo"said lucas when he see Ijikiel's phone vibrating.

"yes dad?"

"did lucas with you now?"

"er yes, why?"

"pass this phone to him"

Ijikiel and lucas look at each other. Lucas take his phone and press 'speaker' on it.

"yes principal?"

"you can go home now"


"you have a visitor. Go meet him. I'll make sure Ijikiel give you your homework later"

"but we just start school an hour ago?"

"it's fine, just go. Hurry. Pack your things. Go straight to the gates. Someone already wait for you"



"fcck what should I do?"Lucas give the phone to Ijikiel. Ijikiel sigh.

"there's nothing you can do now. He already call my father so that's mean you need to go"

Lucas sigh. If this about Athanasia. He will.

Let's back to our hottest daddy.

"what take him so long?"Claude mumbled.

"ah is that him?"ask felix while pointing at someone. Someone good looking. You can see he 's panicking there.

"felix, go"felix nod and leave the car. Then they come back and get into the car.

"good morning Mr. De Elger. How may I help you?"Lucas greet him with his most beautiful smile. Waiting for Claude to respond it.

"start the car"

Lucas just continue smile and sit properly. He need to admit that this is his first time meet such a scary people in his entire life.

"what's your name?"

"lu--"he stop.

"hm?"Claude look at him since Lucas didn't tell him his name.

"my name is Lucas, but I'm not the person that Athanasia's talked about. We just close friend? Best friend? Er yeah we just a friends"said Lucas with his innocent smile.

'now I'm lying to my future father in law, sigh, I'm going to regret this later' thought him.

"I see"


This silence can kill people.

"Mr. De Elger"Claude glance at him.

"please let me be your daughter's friend"Claude look at him. He stare at his red ruby eyes with a dangerous look.

"do you know what are you saying right now?"ask Claude. Now he give his most famous death glare (it can kill people) at Lucas. Lucas stare back at Claude's eyes. He just realize that his eyes same with Athanasia's eyes.

What if he had a child? Do they will have a same eyes like this?

Wait, it's not a good time to think about that. He shaking his head clear his thought.

'I must be insane' thought him again.

"okay I give you a chance. But you need to take care of my daughter very well. If anything happend to her, I'll find you first. Now please get out from my car"Lucas shock when the car stop front if his condominium.

'h-how the hell does he know m--'

"I asked Roger where do you live. So he told me you live here. You live alone here, why don't you go stay with your family in Arlanta?"Lucas freeze. No one know about this except Ijikiel and Sir Roger. He sigh.

"if I live with my family, I can't be independent and focus. So that's why I decide to live alone"said Lucas. Claude look at him.

"I see. You're rich. Don't tell me you be friends with my daughter just because of mo--"

"No! I sincerely want to be friends with your daughter"


"tch, whatever. Get out of my car now"Lucas take his bag.

"thank you for sending me home and have a nice day"again, Claude didn't respond and leave Lucas.

'he live alone with this young age, what a brave kid'


'why my lucas is not here today?'

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