Part 10: This Friendships DONE ..

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* The management team called the police and they have gone a big search for Jaylen .. The girls decide to stay at the CH *

Cee: He.. He's Jus A BABY WTF is WRONG with that BITCH ! * continues crying *  

Ray: It's Ok ,.. The police are gonna find him and get Kiya in a mental hospital .  

Cee: NO NO ! .. I NEED to find my BABY ! .. Imma search the city for him .. ! MY SON ! .. * heads for the door *  

Dinah : COURTENEY ! ... You wanna die  

Courteney : No..  

Dinah: You can't go out there on your own .. You need to let the police look for him  

Courteney : why don't u guys get ur fuckin asses up off the couch and help me look  

Ray : We don't have ANY clue on where she wud be ... Even the other girls don't know where she is .. 

Princeton : And I KNOW when Emma's lieing .. But she wasn't .. THEY wasn't ..  

Jade: Ugh can we stop talkin bout her  

Courteney : I'm Goin  

Dinah: CEE! Do You not understand ! She cudda gone outta the country .. Outta Town ! .. You don't fuckin know  

Courteney : Don't Fuckin Swear At Me !  

Dinah: I'm Fuckin Doin It Now !  

Courteney : Don't Make Me Fuckin Come Dere. !  

Dinah: Nah U Don't Have To * stands up * Imma Come To You ,! Fuckin Dumb Bitch !  

Prodigy : Calm Down * tries to pull her but Dinah elbows him in the stomach * .. I'm Ok Guys .. I'm Ok  

Ray : Girls Stop  

Courteney : Come At Me You Fuckin Ugly Slut ! .. Got Fucked By 3 Boys ! ! Same Time .. Fuckin WHORE !  

* the whole room turned silent .. Before Dinah .. Turned Into RAGEMODE ! *  

Dinah : Bitch You've Crossed The .. Line * picks up and a glass and brakes it on the side of a table .. He gets the rest that's in her hand as goes up to courteney with it *  

Courteney : Fuckin Stab Me BITCH And see What I'll do .. I'll fuckin re-arrange your face  

Dinah: OH PLEASE ! IM the Hoe ! Says The Mother Of A 8 Month Year Old Child At The Age Of 16 And can't fuckin look after it to save her life. ! .. And IM the Hoe !  

Prodigy: Ok Dinah You Have To stop

Dinah: Nah I Won't Stop Till This Stupid Slut Gets in her fuckin head that she aint no one to be fuckin shoutin at me like she's the queen of the world  


* That was it ... Dinah couldn't hold it in .. She threw the piece of sharp glass at courteney and it slit the side of her face .. Courteney jumped on her and started punching but Dinah was blocking .. She picked up the nearest thing which was a phone and smashed it on Dinah's head .. Making her dizzy .. *  

Ray : CEE CEE ! GET OFF HER * he picks her up and takes her outside * ..  

* Dinah gets up and tries to run after her but Prod stops her and brings her into the bathroom *


Ray : WTF is wrong with u ?...  

Courteney : Nothing !  

We Are Mindless (Literally ! ) ( Mindless Behavior Story :D ) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora