Janitor x Margaret: Beach trip

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Margaret: *steps out of the changing area in a pair of board shorts and bikini top *
>////< I don't look too bad in this right?

Janitor: *wearing a pair of trucks and tang top blushes and has a nose bleed*
O/////o omg you're gorgeous

Margaret: ^////^ re-really?... I haven't worn a swimsuit since I was 6 so I guess I was feeling a little self conscious about wearing one again

Janitor: *wipes the nose blood away * yes ....why has it been so long since you've worn one?

Margaret: *looks away *  my sister drowned me a lot when we were kids and gave me brain damage..... and a fear of large bodies of water

Janitor : :/ in that case what are we doing here?

Margaret: *sad sighs*
I was hoping to finally get over my fears ....but who am I kidding this is stupid

Janitor: *hugs her* it's not stupid.....
I'll help you if you want

Margaret: that'd be great

Narrator : they slowly make their way to the water with Margaret getting more nervous as they get closer

Janitor: *notices this*
hey are you sure you wanna do this?

Margaret: *nods* y-ya I d-do

Janitor : okay but let's just sit on the shoreline for now .....until you get more comfortable

Margaret : o-okay

Narrator: they sit at the shoreline watching the water with Margaret siting in the Janitor's lap actually feeling okay

Margaret: ^^ you know with you around the ocean doesn't seem so bad
*runs her hand though the shallow water next to her *

Janitor: ^^ *kisses her cheek *

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