Chapter 3,a new maid

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"well actually,when cresenta's sister diherna ran away from her desteny to be a queen, she've been lost some of the people said that she was died but some of them said that diherna still alive. Maybe you sent here because of that reason" sayid eclipsa. "But idk how to find her" said star. Eclipsa say"maybe. She was died but her daughter or grand daughter still alive". Future star just confused with that. How she ever find a lost princess?. Past moon said "star, future star, i want all of you to pick one of them to be your maid". Past Star said "mom i dont need a maid, im not a pretty princess".future star said "sure mom. I pick one, how about you with the black hair? You're my new maid." "Princess, my name is diana" said the new maid. "Hi diana, you dont have to call me princess. Just call me star" said future star. "Diana this is my room. You dont have to clean it your own. I will help you" said future star. "But star, this is my job. Dont make it your job. I have to clean it" said diana. They're talking each other and became a very good friend. Star tell her why she's here now. And diana helps star to find the lost princess. Star also helps diana clean her room.

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