"Welcome," said the storeowner.

When they enter the store, there weren't much to buy.

Seeing so many people suffer make Makoto want to make a change, to give people hope. And that's what Makoto did when she decided to become Naruto's friend. She wants to give him hope, to support him. It's in her nature to help out whenever she can, and seeing how much suffering the Land of Wave has to endure just made her angry at Gato. "It's because of Gato, your people has less resources and money, and also poor status. I hope he die a painful death."

Sakura gasp in shock. "Makoto!"

"I mean it, Sakura. I really hope he does." Makoto turn around and walk out of the store.

Sakura was about to go after her when Tazuna place a hand on Sakura's shoulder.

"Leave her be."

"But, Tazuna-"

"She wants to be alone right now."

"How do you know?"

"By the way she talk and leave like that, I figure."

Sakura has a worry look on her face. 'Makoto.'

Makoto was walking on the street when she felt someone tug on her shorts.

"Hm?" Makoto look down to see a little girl. Makoto crouch down to the little girl's size. "Is there something I can help you with?"

The little girl blushed. "I-I...well..."

Makoto reach inside her pouch and bring out a small bento. Makoto gently hold the little girl's hand and hand the small bento to the little girl.

"It's not much, but it'll help. And here-" Makoto reach inside her pouch again and took out some money-no, a lot of money.

The little girl's eyes widen in surprise. "Are you sure I can have it!?"

"Yes, you can have it," Makoto said softly.

The little girl hugs Makoto. "Thank you, sister!"

 Makoto ruffle the little girl's head. "You're welcome. By the way, I'm Makoto."

"I'm Miku."

"Miku; that's a pretty name," Makoto said with a close eye smile.

Miku blushed.

Makoto stand up. "Well, see ya later, Miku. And take care."

"You too, sis!"

Makoto decided to went back to where the boys were training and overheard their conversation.

"Hey, you ask Sakura for some advice. What did she tell you?"

"Huh? Hm..." Naruto laughs. "I won't tell."

Sasuke's eyes widen and went white with the O shapes. "What!?"

The two have a stare-down until Makoto appears before them.

"Come on, you two. It's almost time for dinner."

"Dinner? Yes!" Naruto said with full of energy.

Makoto giggles at Naruto's reaction.

Unknowingly to Makoto and Naruto, Sasuke was furious, mentally, at the close friendship between them.

'I don't get it. How did Naruto make Makoto act like that? What is so special about him!?' Sasuke thought.

Naruto was the first to walk back to Tazuna's house.

Makoto look at Sasuke. "Aren't you coming?"

"Uh, yeah."

Soon, everyone was back at Tazuna's house and dinner was ready.

"This is really fun! It's been a while since I ate with this many people!" Tazuna said while rubbing the back of his head.

Naruto and Sasuke were eating like there's no tomorrow.

Then... "Seconds, please!" Then Sasuke and Naruto glare at each other with lightning coming out of their eyes. Then, they threw up.

Sakura stand up from her seat as a vein appears on her head. "Geez, if you're going to barf, don't eat!"

"No, I'll eat," Sasuke said as he wipe his mouth.

"I have to eat even if I have to force myself...I have to become strong quickly," Naruto said.

Kakashi nodded in agreement. "But barfing isn't good."

Finally, dinner was finish. Makoto wanted to help Tsunami with the dishes; Tsunami accepts her help. Sakura was standing and looking at the right-upper rip picture portrait on the wall.

"Um, why are you hanging a torn picture?" Sakura look at the others. "Inari was staring at this picture during dinner the entire time. This torn part looks like someone intentionally tore away the person who was there."

"It's my husband," Tsunami said.

"He was the man known as the hero of this town," Tazuna said.

Inari put down his cup and got up.

"Inari, where are you going?" Tsunami asked.

Then he left the room.

"Father, I told you not to talk about him in front of Inari." Then Tsunami went out the room to find Inari.

"What's wrong with Inari?" Sakura asked.

"It seems there's a reason behind this," Kakashi said.

"Inari had a father that wasn't related to him. They were very close, like father and son. Inari used to laugh a lot back then. But..." Tears form in his eyes. "But...Inari changed. After the incident that happened to his father. The word "courage" was forever taken away from the people on this island and Inari...After that day and the incident..."Then Tazuna starts explaining how Inari and Kaiza met and how Kaiza inspire the Wave Country and Inari and how the little man-Gato came and take over the Wave Country and how Kaiza die.

Naruto got up but fall down.

"What are you doing, Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"If you're trying to train, don't. You molded too much chakra. If you move any more, you're going to die," Kakashi said.

"I'm going to prove to him..." Naruto starts.

"Prove what?" Sakura asked.

 Naruto shakily stand up. "That there are heroes in this world. I'm going to prove it to him!"

Childhood Sweetheart (Sasuke Uchiha)Where stories live. Discover now