Here's Looking To You, Kid

Start from the beginning

Giles left Kennedy's place with a grin plastered to his face. He was of course late to school but he didn't care.

Buffy had looked up when he came through the doors of the library. "Where have you been? Are you sick?"

"I am perfectly well. Why do you think I am sick?" Looking at her quizzically.

Getting up from the table, "Because you're never later to anything. You are always on time."

"I can be late occasionally, but I usually am not compared to you. Wait, what are you doing here? Don't you have a class now?"

Shrugging, "I do, but I was out all last night patrolling and so totally forgot to do my homework so I'm hiding out here."

"Buffy your duty is not only to be the slayer but to hide the fact that you are one. If you skip class and fall into old habits you are going to get kicked out someday and possibly found out who you really are. We do not want that again." Giles chastised her.

Looking up at him all innocently, "But Giles."

"Do not 'but' me. I want you to work on your homework right now and hand it in before the class is over."

Shooting up from her seat, "That is impossible. I so can not finish it in time."

"It's only impossible if you think it is impossible. And the more you stand here arguing with me about the impossibility of finishing your homework the more it's going to come true." Pointing at her. "Now sit and finish it."

Buffy fell into her seat, "Giles I can't do my homework."

"Yes, you can."

Shaking her head, "No I can't it's in my locker."

"Then you better hurry up and go get your books." Pointing at the doors.

Getting up, "What about principal Snyder. He is out there patrolling the halls."

"Then don't get caught. You are the slayer."

Crossing her arms, "And you are my watcher. Why don't you come with me and watch for him while I get my things."

"That is not what watchers do."

Holding her head up, "And slayers are not supposed to try and pass biology. Were to fight off evil."

"And live life. Now go get your books, you are wasting time arguing with me." Pushing her to the doors.

Sighing, "Has anyone told you that you are a pain in the butt?" Buffy asked.

"That just happens to be a bonus." He told her.

"I think that you have been hanging out with Kennedy too much."

Waving her off, "I believe that it is you who is my bad influence."

"You'd never buy me candy before if I had asked." Buffy pointed out.

Heading for his office, "You have enough energy as is. You do not need help from a sugary substance."

"Now you sound like my mother." Buffy followed him.

Giles looked back at her, "Go get your books now."

"You are no fun." Buffy moaned getting her things.

"I am not here to be fun, I am here to teach you things." He told her as she left the library.

Moments later Buffy came back and tried to finish her homework in time. With the help of Giles, she finished it with ten minutes to spare. So Giles walked with her to class, to make sure she went to Biology.

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