+.2. The New Host+

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I'm Hosting my usual three guests. Alice, Camila, and Clementine. Alice and Camila though look very similar are not actually related. When I host I typically don't mega flatter them like Tamaki does. I simply treat them as I would a friend or classmate, Different from how I treat best friends, and different from how I treat other strangers at school. My guests seem to like it. I've been told I'm one of the more normal Hosts to go to, Which kinda doesn't make sense because I am the Different type.

"So Yato-Kun, Why did you dye your hair?" Camila asks.

"Yeah, Yato-Kun I've always thought it was nice, but isn't it kinda against school code?" Clementine continues.

"O-oh. Mr. Suoh a-allowed it. And I d-dyed my hair be-because my guardian has t-the same hair c-color." I answered them.

"Really that's so cool!"

"Then what's your normal hair color?"

"Hehe, T-that's a s-secret,"

"Awwww Yato-Kun! That's not fair"

I then notice a circle around Tamaki's area. 

"Let's go check it out." Alice says, then stands with her friends. I nod following them over to tamaki and his now large audience. When I get over I stand by Kyoya and Haruhi.

"Commoner's are pretty smart."-Kyoya

"100 grams for 300 yen?" "Thats a lot less than we normally pay."-Twins

"I'll go back and get something else, Excuse me for not buying you guys expensive coffee."-Haru

"I-isn't paying less b-better?"-Me

"No, I'll keep it."-Tamaki. Everyone gasps, Well excluding Haruhi. I gasp.

"I'm going to give it a try."-Tamaki. Gasps again. I'm going to choke if I gotta keep this up.

"I will drink this coffee!" Gasps, then applause. Well I don't I have a small coughing fit. The girls lead me back to are table.

"Are you okay Yato-Kun?"-Camila.

"Yes, yes, I-I'm fine l-ladies. Thank you f-for wo-worrying... It m-means a l-lot."

"Yato-Kun, Your tic's are acting up. You should ask Mori-senpai to give you some of your pills when he gets here."-Alice.

"Th-that's very kind of y-you to say b-but I've already h-had the re-recommended a-amount."

"That's to bad then! Do you want us to do most of the talking then?"-Clementine.

"Y-you lovely l-ladies may decide. I c-can always use J-JSL." I know Japanese Sign Language, and American Sign Language. I look over to tamaki and see him putting some girl in the dip position? Is that what I should call it. I'm too far to see why or what they say. But I can hear the squeals.

No ones POV

The twins have their first little lovey dovey scene in front of Haruhi. Haruhi is confused as to why the twins love act has the girls so excited. Then he sees Raven and his group. Raven is ticcing as the girls ask him questions or just tell stories. Haruhi thinks his is most normal and more of a friend group type of thing than Host. Mori and Honey finally join the rest of the club and Haruhi questions if Honey is really a third year. Then Kyoya joins Haruhi telling her about Honey and Mori. Honey comes over and talks to Haruhi. Honey notices something... Kyoya contines reminding her Tamaki is number one. Haruhi thinks basically 'What has the world come to' Kyoya continues saying that every man uses there personality and assets to cater to their clients needs. Kyoya then scares Haruhi with his police. Tamaki scares Haruhi, and Kyoya teleports Away XD.

Ravens POV

"Raven!" Tamaki's voice jumps me out of the conversation I'm having with my clients. "Go grab your extra face wipes and meet Haruhi in the changing rooms."

I sigh. Nod. And run to my bag. Tamaki then shuts Honey down as I run out the door after the twins. I enter and the twins Have one leg behind them looking at each other.

"W-what are y-you doing?"

"Nothing Raven. Wait until Haruhi comes out before you help HIM." The twins speak nsync and add more emphasis on the 'Him'. I giggle a little and then they know that I know that they know... Whatever! Now I they can tell I already know about Haruhi. There. I wait for a bit then Just open the curtain.

"Raven!" Haruhi is shocked I didn't knock or anything. I then speak. This is a secret of mine that no one. And I mean no one Alive knows. So Because of its specialty I don't tic when speaking.

"It's fine Haruhi." My easy of speak throws her off. "I already know about your Gender. And I'm not being weird or anything." I pull my collar down a little bit and Haruhi sees what I wanted her to.

"O-oh.... Raven-senpai Why didn't you tell me sooner." 

"Because no one else knows... Your kinda in the same boat so I thought...."

"It's fine Raven-Senpai." She gives me a soft smile.

"O-oh right..." I hand her the wipes. "F-for you f-face. T-Tamaki's idea."

"Of course." She takes the wipes thanks me and I leave. Leaving her to finish changing.

*Later that dayyyy*

"Um... Senpai?"-Haruhi

"Aren't you finished changing yet?"-Tamaki. Haru opens the drape. 

"Are you sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?"-Haruhi

"Mmmm Cute! You look as pretty as a girl! Adorable!"-Tamaki. HMMMMM I wonder WHY.

"Haru-Chan you look so Cute!"-Honey

"If we had known that's how you really look." "Then we would have helped you out sooner."-Twins.

"H-hey! How p-people look shouldn't d-define whether o-or not you h-help them!"

"Who knows. Maybe he'll draw in some customers."-Kyoya.

"You know. That's Just what I was thinking."-Tamaki. Bullcrap.

"Are errand boy is moving up the ranks, -I t-though he w-was are d-dog- Starting today you are a official member of the Host club!"-Tamaki. (This:- when someone is speaking means someone almost always Raven has spoken in the middle of their sentence, Usually ignored.)

"I will personally train you to be a first rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service we will completely forget about your Eight Million yen debt."-Tamaki. OH that's why Haruhi is still here. I wasn't paying attention when that happened.

"A Host?"-Haruhi.


'Mom, Dad, Zack. I told someone the truth about my own gender today...'

/Ayeee! Are boy Raven has a secret about his gender that only Haruhi knows??? And for some reason Even though today was his parents death but Raven says that in a few more day a day Even sadder than his own parents death will come? Whys that? Find out next time!

The Different type (OHSHC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon