+Prologue-Back then+

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"I'm sorry for the words that I'm about to say, But... Hiroko and Kamendo... Didn't make it... Only you and Zack..."

I feel to the floor in tears. Its not fare! Why is drunk driving even a thing! At least that boso was put in prison!

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see my brother Zack. Are mother and Father had just died in a car accident... And we were the only ones to survive it... I felt my shoulder jolt as my brother helped me up and we headed home...


My body threw itself forwards, knowing what was about to happen later in the dream and waking me up so I could head to school. That all happened two years ago. I got up feeling my nervous stomach, My head threw itself to the side before going back to its original spot. I got up a ran to my bathroom, Ticking every once in a while. You see, I have Tourette syndrome, Ever since I was young. Once I got to the toilet in the bathroom, I uh... Puked. I then cleaned up and headed to my room again. I changed into my new school uniform... I-uh don't like it... It's a bit to flashy for me, But, Whatever...

I leave my room Ticking every so often and head down stairs. My parents used to be rich... before they died. There money went to me but there business went to my uncle luckily. So I'm still rich. In my parents will they wanted me and Zack to go to Ouran Academy... so I have to. But of course I have to go to Ouran's Middle school first. I grab a slice of bread from the bread basket in the kitchen and head out the door. My bag slung over my shoulder, and head to school, Ticking along the way.


I'm at the school now, I walk to class getting weird looks for my white hair and my Ticking. I get all types of people either judging me or fainting/Blushing. I don't get it... 

I head to the office to get my schedule.

"Name." The lady at the front desk asks, without looking up from her computer.

"Raven Y-yato." I reply with my stutter due to my tic's

"Here you go." She hands me the schedule. "Have a nice day."

"Y-you to!" I respond as I leave.

I walk out in the hallway and head to my first class. People keep looking at me and my ticks, Some in a bad way, others in the blushing way I mentioned earlier.

I pull my headphones out of my bag and put them on my head, My hand tics after. I then pull out my phone from the very same bag and plug the headphones in. I put the password in and turn on spotify and shuffle a playlist.

Not long after I make it to class. Surprisingly I'm not late. I walk into the class, Tic, and look around. The teacher looks as though they were just going to stop the class, when she notices me. 

"Ahh, You must be the new student." She says with a smile, I Tic. "Uh, Introduce yourself to the class..."

I turn and face the class.

"Hi, My n-name is R-raven Y-yato." I say.

"Class you may ask him some questions." The Teacher tells them.

"Why is your stutter so cute?"

"Why weren't you here the first day of school?"

"What's up with that twitchy movement?"

"U-uh," To many questions. "I h-honestly don't think my stutter's c-cute... I only c-came to this school rece-recently... And my t-twitchy movement i-is called Tourette sy-syndrome." With that I look at the teacher to see if I did good.

"Great. Go sit in the back, there's a free spot there by the window." I love window seats.

I walk past my class staring at me ticking every once in a while.

I sit and look out the window. This school might be nice.


I was sitting at lunch alone, My tics annoying me. At least nothing to bad is-

"Hey! Twitchy boy!" I just had to think it. Gosh I jinxed myself. Three boys maybe my age? bothered me. I forgot to mention Even though this is the first time i've been to this school, I'm in the second to last grade before I get to go to the high school.

The boys ran over and started to make fun of my tourettes. I didn't cry, I usually don't. But there words did bother me. I was just trying to eat a sandwich! 

"Leave him alone!" I turn to the new voice which appeared behind me, My head tic'd when I saw him. He was probably a year older than me and had Blonde hair with Violet eyes.

"Or else what?" One of the three asked. I couldn't tell for the new commer interested me more.

"Thomas! We should go!" Another one of the three said, talking to the first.

"And why should we Tyler." Thomas questioned.

"That's Tamaki Suoh! If you want to get into high school or continue being at this school we can't bother him! Remember his dad." When Tyler said this Thomas realized and scurried off.

This Tamaki person, came over to me and squatted down in front of my seated form.

"Hello, Im Tamaki... And I was wondering if you would like to join my club."


Tamaki hen told me more, About the club, some of the people he invited. Apparently he got twins to join by winning a competition with them, a whos who game he said. This gave me a idea.

"I'll only join your club if you can help me find something." After my sentence I was a bit surprised to find myself not stutter. Tamaki seemed surprised as well.

"What do you need me to find?" He seemed so sincere. Might as well give him a chance. 

"My oldest brother was going to give me a gift. And m-my Grand mo-mother to-took it." Whenever I talk about my brother and the gift he was going to give me my tourettes seem to almost completely go away. "I need you to find the gift."

"Oh, okay!" He smiled brightly. "Where might I find it."

"A-at my Gr-grand mothers but s-she won't l-let me o-over. Y-you can get in b-by saying y-your a fa-family friend."

"Alrighty then! Consider yourself already apart of our club because I know I can do it." Tamaki- or should I call him Suoh? Suoh then left to go do whatever it is he does... Wait. He didn't let me tell him where my grandma lives... Oh well. He wont be allowed in that easy.

One year later:

I'm holding the necklace my brother got me. Not only did Tamaki find the necklace, he also got in goods with my grandma and got her to like me again. So I'm in the club. I've grown close to everyone in the club and would change what happened for anything. The twins are in there last year of middle school. Me, Tamaki, and Kyoya, are all first years. Mori and Honey are second years. My 'Type' I guess is unique and I love it.

The Different Type.

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