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"Seriously, Steve, what's wrong?" Pony asked as he followed Steve around the DX workshop.

Steve just rolled his eyes and walked over to the toolbox, digging around for nothing in particular, just wanting a distraction.

"Steve. What is wrong? Ever since we talked to Soda you've been acting all annoyed. Was it something he said? Was it something I-"

"Pony can you-" he took a few breaths, willing himself not to lose it. "Please, just leave me alone."

  Ponyboy made a face and backed up a few steps. "Am I missing something here? You were fine like ten minutes ago."

  Steve turned around, glaring, and began to recite Pony's words. "Steve and I aren't dating. Who's to say we will?"

  Pony bit his lip. "That's not what I meant."

  "I know what you meant. I'm such an idiot. I knew you weren't serious about the other night! I don't know why I keep tricking myself into thinking that you might ever be."

  He felt like such a fool. After everything he and Pony has been through, and all their talks they had, he was still coming in second place to a kid that had broken Pony's heart forever ago. 

  "I was serious the other night!"

  Steve felt nothing but rage. "Kissing me and then turning right around and saying you don't even know if we'll ever be anything? Yeah, sure. Sounds completely serious to me."

  Ponyboy opened his mouth, as if to say something, but ended up closing it.

  "You're scared of me getting you to like me only to break it off and tell you I was kidding? Take a look at yourself. What are you doing, right now. You're unbelievable. You could have just told me to piss off that first night and I would have been on my way. But instead, you confuse me with your conflicting feelings. And I've been patient, Ponyboy, I've been so patient. You just don't think about what you're doing, and how it could possibly affect other people."

The two boys stayed silent for a few seconds. Pony looked at the ground and sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I know you are. Still hurts though." Steve grumbled and turned back around, pretending to work until he heard Ponyboy leave. Once he was sure the younger teen was gone, he sat down and rested his head in his hands.

  He didn't feel bad about anything he had said, it was all true. Pony was so worried about being hurt that he ended up being the one to hurt Steve.

  But honestly what did Steve expect? When had anything good ever happened to him?  His whole life was just filled with disappointment after disappointment. He'd had a bad feeling about this for a while, and was cursing himself for ever kissing Ponyboy that one night.

  For ever even trying to become friends with him. His life would be so much less complicated if things had just stayed the same.

  The whole situation was just...embarrassing.

  And Steve wished more than ever to be able to go back in time and change it.


  It was a rare night where the whole gang wasn't busy, and were all able to eat dinner together.

  Steve hadn't talked to Ponyboy much since their fight. They'd made small, awkward conversation on rides home from school, but any hint of the progress they had made towards their relationship had been erased.

  It was kind of back to how things were before, which was good.

  Except Steve had to pretend to not see the sad eyes that Pony would give him all the time. That part sucked majorly.

  He wasn't particularly looking forward to having to ignore him at dinner tonight, either.

  "You need help cooking anything, Darry?" He asked.

  Darry shook his head. "Nah, just waiting on the chicken to get done. You could set the table if you want to help. Get Pony to help."

  Before Steve could protest, Darry was calling for Ponyboy, and a few seconds later, said greaser came walking into the kitchen. "You need something?"

  Darry opened the oven and peeked at the chicken. "Help Steve set the table, please."

  Ponys eyes flicked over to Steve before going down to the ground. "Sure thing." He said before grabbing forks and napkins. "Uh, you know where the cups and stuff are..." he mumbled and swiftly walked past Steve and over to the table.

"Yeah, been hanging out here for a while now." He laughed softly and began helping. "Where's your brother at?"

"Soda and two-bit are watching t.v. in the living room."

"Tell then to get off their lazy bums and come help us set up for dinner!" Steve yelled obnoxiously into the living room.

"Is the food ready?" Two-bit yelled back.

"Sure is!" Both Pony and Steve answered at the same time. They looked at each other in surprise before laughing loudly.

Soda and Two-bit ran into the kitchen, both severely disappointed once they saw no food on the table. "I thought you said food was done?"

"Oh, did we?" Steve laughed again as Soda stuck out his tongue.

"Relax, it's basically done." Darry carried over plates with food on it. "Two-bit, if you're good and eat all the food on your plate, I'll even let you have a piece of chocolate cake tonight."

Everyone laughed. "Gee, thanks mama. I sure appreciate it!" Two rolled his eyes before taking a seat next to Soda.

Steve sat on Soda's other side, and much to his dismay, Pony sat next to him.

It's been a good night. He told himself. Don't ruin it.

He hoped with everything in him that things would start feeling normal again soon.

Lol it's been about a year and a half since I last updated this. Quarantine has pushed me to new stages of boredom it seems. Anyways, as ashamed as I am to admit it, here is a chapter. I hope y'all enjoyed. I had to reread this story to even remember the plot lolz.

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